OS X Server - error na svaka dva minuta
Posted: 19 February 2016 04:13 AM
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  470
Joined  2007-05-15


treba mi ozbiljna pomoc. Imam MacMini server vec 3-4 godine i sve je radilo ok dok nisam nesto ceckao na njemu i od tada se usporio i u Console.app mogu da vidim greske koje se pojavljuju svaki dva-tri minuta ciklicno!

Da li iko moze da pretpostavi sta je problem? google mi nije pomaogao jer ima previse gresaka i ne znam sta da trazim :(

[code:1]2/18/16 7:07:02.744 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: SecIdentityCopyCertificate failed: -25304
2/18/16 7:07:02.755 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: TLS:  No valid identity set in Server App > Certificates > File Sharing (iOS)
2/18/16 7:07:02.755 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: Unable to find TLS identity for ServerDocuments HTTPS, retrying in 5 seconds…
2/18/16 7:07:07.783 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: SecIdentityCopyCertificate failed: -25304
2/18/16 7:07:07.793 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: TLS:  No valid identity set in Server App > Certificates > File Sharing (iOS)
2/18/16 7:07:07.793 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: Unable to find TLS identity for ServerDocuments HTTPS, retrying in 5 seconds…
2/18/16 7:07:07.982 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DeviceManagement.postgres[2117]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1
2/18/16 7:07:07.982 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DeviceManagement.postgres) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
2/18/16 7:07:09.720 PM collabd[2118]: [main.m:48 75ab6000 +0ms] Logging to /Library/Server/Wiki/Logs/collabd.log
2/18/16 7:07:10.291 PM collabd[2118]: [PGCServer.m:152 75ab6000 +570ms] Error starting postgres, status=1. Args were: (...)
2/18/16 7:07:10.428 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.collabd[2118]) Service exited with abnormal code: 4
2/18/16 7:07:10.429 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.collabd) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.

2/18/16 7:07:12.848 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: SecIdentityCopyCertificate failed: -25304
2/18/16 7:07:12.859 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: TLS:  No valid identity set in Server App > Certificates > File Sharing (iOS)
2/18/16 7:07:12.859 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: Unable to find TLS identity for ServerDocuments HTTPS, retrying in 5 seconds…
2/18/16 7:07:17.917 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: SecIdentityCopyCertificate failed: -25304
2/18/16 7:07:17.926 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: TLS:  No valid identity set in Server App > Certificates > File Sharing (iOS)
2/18/16 7:07:17.926 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: Unable to find TLS identity for ServerDocuments HTTPS, retrying in 5 seconds…

2/18/16 7:07:18.153 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DeviceManagement.postgres[2121]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1
2/18/16 7:07:18.153 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DeviceManagement.postgres) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.

2/18/16 7:07:20.461 PM collabd[2122]: [main.m:48 75ab6000 +0ms] Logging to /Library/Server/Wiki/Logs/collabd.log
2/18/16 7:07:20.824 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.collabd[2122]) Service exited with abnormal code: 4
2/18/16 7:07:20.824 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.collabd) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.

2/18/16 7:07:22.966 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: SecIdentityCopyCertificate failed: -25304
2/18/16 7:07:22.976 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: TLS:  No valid identity set in Server App > Certificates > File Sharing (iOS)
2/18/16 7:07:22.976 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: Unable to find TLS identity for ServerDocuments HTTPS, retrying in 5 seconds…

2/18/16 7:07:28.004 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: SecIdentityCopyCertificate failed: -25304
2/18/16 7:07:28.014 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: TLS:  No valid identity set in Server App > Certificates > File Sharing (iOS)
2/18/16 7:07:28.014 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: Unable to find TLS identity for ServerDocuments HTTPS, retrying in 5 seconds…
2/18/16 7:07:28.319 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DeviceManagement.postgres[2125]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1
2/18/16 7:07:28.319 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DeviceManagement.postgres) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.

2/18/16 7:07:30.857 PM collabd[2126]: [main.m:48 75ab6000 +0ms] Logging to /Library/Server/Wiki/Logs/collabd.log
2/18/16 7:07:31.229 PM collabd[2126]: [PGCServer.m:152 75ab6000 +371ms] Error starting postgres, status=1. Args were: (...)
2/18/16 7:07:31.231 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.collabd[2126]) Service exited with abnormal code: 4
2/18/16 7:07:31.232 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.collabd) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.

2/18/16 7:07:33.017 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: SecIdentityCopyCertificate failed: -25304
2/18/16 7:07:33.027 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: TLS:  No valid identity set in Server App > Certificates > File Sharing (iOS)
2/18/16 7:07:33.027 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: Unable to find TLS identity for ServerDocuments HTTPS, retrying in 5 seconds…

2/18/16 7:07:38.027 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: SecIdentityCopyCertificate failed: -25304
2/18/16 7:07:38.037 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: TLS:  No valid identity set in Server App > Certificates > File Sharing (iOS)
2/18/16 7:07:38.037 PM sdd[304]: #@com.apple.main-thread: Unable to find TLS identity for ServerDocuments HTTPS, retrying in 5 seconds…
2/18/16 7:07:38.497 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DeviceManagement.postgres[2129]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1
2/18/16 7:07:38.497 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DeviceManagement.postgres) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.[/code:1]



Posted: 19 February 2016 06:01 AM   [ # 1 ]
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  7587
Joined  2005-04-28

Ova narandžasta govori kao da ti je istekao self signed sertifikat, napravi novi.

Kod druge dve launchd nije uspeo da pokrene postgres bazu, jednom kada je Wiki probao drugi put slično za device management.

Vidi još u Activity monitoru koji proces uzima najviše od CPU-a.


ACSP 10.10 - ACSP 10.9 - ACA 10.8 Mac Management - ACSP 10.8 -  ACSP 10.7 - ACSA 10.6

Posted: 19 February 2016 11:55 PM   [ # 2 ]
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  470
Joined  2007-05-15

Hvala na odgovoru!

Koja je svrha tog self-signed sertifikata?
Secam se da me je Mac OS X server pitao, tj. trazio da to kreiram ali ne mogu da se setim zbog cega.

Post edited by: kovacm, at: 2016/02/19 15:00



Posted: 20 February 2016 10:17 PM   [ # 3 ]
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  7587
Joined  2005-04-28

Za enkripciju. Recimo, ako kod maila uključš SSL koristi se taj sertifikat.


ACSP 10.10 - ACSP 10.9 - ACA 10.8 Mac Management - ACSP 10.8 -  ACSP 10.7 - ACSA 10.6
