hmm mozda ovo moze..
Open up address book and make a group for each person. Put each of your contacts in the respective group and have iTunes sync with only that group. Then select your group in the box that says ‘When syncing contacts added from this phone add to…’
Similar to contacts, you make a new calendar on the left panel in iCal with your name and sync that with your phone. Then you have events added on y our phone sync with that calendar.
Make a playlist for each person and sync the respective playlist to your phones.
Just check off the movies you want when each phone is connected. Alternately you can make a video playlist for each person and sync that up.
Unfortunately I think you can only either sync all bookmarks or none at all. Not much you can do about that.
znaci za kontakte na pravi dve grupe jedna npr. iPhone1 a druga iPhone2 i onda prvu sinhronizuje sa prvim, a drugu sa drugim telefono
za muziku napravi 2 playliste…itd
Post edited by: Markooo, at: 2008/07/03 10:19