Imam wxWidgets C++ source kod, koji treba da kompajliram. E sad, nemam pojma kako to ide.
Prvo me zanima da li Leo mozda slucajno dolazi sa preinstaliranim wxWidgets?
Jedino sto mi bas i nije jasno u uputstvu za instalaciju, je ova prica oko sistemskih diretorijuma. Znaci, ako ne koristim sudo, onda se wxWidgets nece instalirati u sistemski folder?
[code:1]Apple Developer Tools: command line
As in all Unix projects, you need to do something like this under MacOS
Xwith the Apple Developer Tools installed:
1) cd into the base dir
2) mkdir osx-build
3) cd osx-build
4) ../configure
5) make
If you want to install the library into the system directories you’ll need
to do this as root. The accepted way of running commands as root is to
use the built-in sudo mechanism. First of all, you must be using an
account marked as a ‘Computer Administrator’. Then
6) sudo make install
Note that while using this method is okay for development, it is not
recommended that you require endusers to install wxWidgets into their
system directories in order to use your program. One way to avoid this
is to configure wxWidgets with—disable-shared. Another way to avoid
it is to make a framework for wxWidgets. Making frameworks is beyond
the scope of this document.
We recommend you configure a static library instead:
4) ../configure—disable-shared
or activate OpenGL:
4) ../configure—with-opengl
It is rarely desirable to install non-Apple software into system directories.
By configuring the library with—disable-shared and using the full path
to wx-config with the—in-place option you can avoid installing the library.[/code:1]
Sta tacno znace ove opcije—disable-shared i—with-opengl?
Kada jednom instaliram ovo cudo, na koji nacin kompajliram? Imam samo gomilu .cpp i .h datoteka. Da li je moguce od njih nekako sastaviti Xcode proekat, i da li uopste Xcode moze da kompajlira koristeci upravo instalirani wxWidgets?
Nadam se da je bar malo jasno sta bih zeleo, jer pojma nemam ni na koji nacin ovo cudo funkcionise? Predpostavljam da su to samo kojekakve biblioteke, koje treba pozvati prilikom kompajliranja, da bi gcc znao da se radi o takvoj vrsti koda. Ima li bilo ko iskustva sa ovim?