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FW 2.1
Posted: 10 September 2008 04:12 PM
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Novi fw ima podršku za Croatian keyboard, što će reći - za slovo č. Što se mene tiče dovoljno, hvala im!


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Posted: 10 September 2008 05:41 PM   [ # 1 ]
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Odkud 2.1, ja ništa ne izguglah? Može neki source ili slično da vidim šta se još menja?
Bilo bi pristojno sa njihove strane da vrate brzinu rada kao na 1.1.4 😊


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Posted: 10 September 2008 05:59 PM   [ # 2 ]
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To, dajte nam č. B) E sad stvarno nema više razloga da ne pređem na 2.x softver.


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Posted: 10 September 2008 06:03 PM   [ # 3 ]
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‘It’s a big update,’ Jobs said. ‘It fixes lots of bugs. You’ll get fewer call drops, you will get significantly improved battery life for most customers. We have fixed a lot of bugs where [when] you have a lot of apps on the phone, you’re not gonna get some of the crashes that we’ve seen.’ He also said that iPhone 2.1 would dramatically cut the time it takes users to synchronize their phones to iTunes.

Users have complained about all four problems Jobs mentioned, but the one that has gotten the most attention from both customers and the media is the dropped-call issue.

Within days of the July 11 debut of the iPhone 3G, buyers began posting messages on Apple’s support forums detailing weak signal strength—even in areas supposedly covered by AT&T Inc.‘s 3G network—slow download speeds and frequently dropped calls.

Three weeks ago, Apple released iPhone 2.0.2, an update the company said improved the phone’s 3G functionality, a claim most users disputed. Since then, Apple has been hit by at least two lawsuits seeking class-action status that accuse the company of deceiving customers by claiming the iPhone reliably connected to 3G networks.

Reaction to the news of the impending iPhone update was mixed on Apple’s support forum.

Some took Jobs’ announcement at face value, and were willing to withhold judgment until they can download and install the update. ‘We should at least wait and see if the update lives up to his word,’ said a user tagged as ‘Ansuz82’ on the iPhone support forum.

Others, however, were still angry that Apple had not been more forthcoming about the iPhone 3G problems and were skeptical that the company would be more transparent on Friday. ‘Let’s see if those statements or any further detail actually make it into the firmware release notes,’ said ‘DaddyK’ on a different thread. ‘Further bug detail would be the responsible thing to do.’

A few wondered why the iPhone 2.1 update had been scheduled for Friday when a similar update, also dubbed 2.1, was available today for the iPod Touch, the iPhone look-alike. ‘Why do we have to wait till Friday when people can buy an iPod Touch today with 2.1 already on it?’ asked ‘deimos256’ just before the Apple event concluded. ‘Talk about deflated expectations, all this big update is gonna do is fix problems that never should have happened.’

Ansuz82 pitched in with a possible answer. ‘More than likely it’s a server load issue. I remember the last big update where iTunes and the iPhone/Touch were updated. Downloads were going at a crawl. Staggering will help with that.’

The user was referring to the Version 2.0 update that Apple issued on the same day it launched iPhone 3G, when AT&T was forced to suspend in-store activations because Apple’s servers had been overwhelmed.

Apple did post a 2.1 update for iPod Touch users today. The update included patches for seven vulnerabilities, among them a fix for the DNS bug that was first disclosed in July and patched by Apple the last day of that month. Some researchers, however, maintained that Apple’s July 31 fix didn’t patch the vulnerability on Mac OS X clients.

iPhone 2.1 will presumably patch the same vulnerabilities on Friday.


iMac 27\\\" i3 3.2MacBook Alu 13\\\" 2.0iPad 1stiPhone 4SiPhone 3GsiMac 20\\\" 2.0iPhone 2GiPod Classic

Posted: 10 September 2008 09:08 PM   [ # 4 ]
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Ja to za petak saznah od Luke sa Mackorisnika.
E sad, nadam se da je 60ak aplikacija koje imam instalirane usvari prave problem i da se zbog toga većina aplikacija urušava 😊
Ovo ostalo mi ne smeta 😊

Posted: 11 September 2008 12:12 AM   [ # 5 ]
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lol, i ja tako kada vidim kako mi sporo radi iPhone se pravdam da je to zbog viška poruka ili programa 😊 ali nije, takav je i kada je prazan :-(


iMac 27\\\" i3 3.2MacBook Alu 13\\\" 2.0iPad 1stiPhone 4SiPhone 3GsiMac 20\\\" 2.0iPhone 2GiPod Classic

Posted: 11 September 2008 12:35 AM   [ # 6 ]
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Ne, ne, meni od tih 60 samo 10-15 radi, ove ostale kreširaju 😊

Posted: 11 September 2008 11:55 PM   [ # 7 ]
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Uf, ja imam jedno 7-8 app i sve rade ok, ništa ne krašira. Možda je fora da se ne stavlja puno?

Posted: 12 September 2008 12:24 AM   [ # 8 ]
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Ja imam tri puna ekrana aplikacija i NI JEDNA ne krešira!!! Ali od svih njih samo je jedna krekovana, možda si mislio da te one zezaju!?


iMac 27\\\" i3 3.2MacBook Alu 13\\\" 2.0iPad 1stiPhone 4SiPhone 3GsiMac 20\\\" 2.0iPhone 2GiPod Classic

Posted: 12 September 2008 12:32 AM   [ # 9 ]
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To da li je neka krkovana ili ne ne utiče na stabilnost, jer se ne menja njen binarni deo.

Jobs je uostalom to pomenuo, tako da mora da je u bitanju veliki bug:

‘It’s a big update,’ Jobs said. ‘It fixes lots of bugs. You’ll get fewer call drops, you will get significantly improved battery life for most customers. We have fixed a lot of bugs where [when] you have a lot of apps on the phone, you’re not gonna get some of the crashes that we’ve seen.’

A ja sam imao 6-7 ekrana programa 😊 Sad sam ih stavio u Categories, pa imam samo 4 :unsure:

Posted: 12 September 2008 11:21 AM   [ # 10 ]
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Ja imam 21 aplikaciju/igru..Na starom, 2G /kako ga zovu/ iPhone-u ne pada nishta..Na novom 3G sve se raspada…


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Posted: 13 September 2008 02:42 PM   [ # 11 ]
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Ti ‘uložci’ dosta umeju da zeznu stvar. Ja sam ipak za soft-unlock metode radije.


iMac 27\\\" i3 3.2MacBook Alu 13\\\" 2.0iPad 1stiPhone 4SiPhone 3GsiMac 20\\\" 2.0iPhone 2GiPod Classic

Posted: 13 September 2008 03:05 PM   [ # 12 ]
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DS_Store wrote:

Novi fw ima podršku za Croatian keyboard, što će reći - za slovo č. Što se mene tiče dovoljno, hvala im!

Hej, pa ne treba vam 2.1 da bi ste imali slovo č. Sve što vam treba je da ubacite ovaj fajl na sledeće mesto


i to je to… Stari možete da preimenujete u .bak za svaki slučaj. Obavezno resetujete telefon.


Post edited by: dark water, at: 2008/09/13 15:12

Post edited by: dark water, at: 2008/09/13 16:56

Posted: 13 September 2008 08:01 PM   [ # 13 ]
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Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… ala su brzi 😊



iMac 27\\\" i3 3.2MacBook Alu 13\\\" 2.0iPad 1stiPhone 4SiPhone 3GsiMac 20\\\" 2.0iPhone 2GiPod Classic

Posted: 13 September 2008 08:20 PM   [ # 14 ]
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Ok. Skinuo sam oba programcica i sta bi trebalo sada da se radi sa njima. Ima li negde uputstvo kako se upotrebljavaju?



Posted: 13 September 2008 08:25 PM   [ # 15 ]
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Ustvari skinuo sam oba torenta tj 4 fajla. Rekoh da nisam vican 😉



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