kratko pitanjce,ortak je nekim chudom(ne znam koji chudom)
uspeo da naabvi 2x iphone 3G…iz USA
kontam da ih nije kupio otkljuchane(ne znam jer se josh nisam video nisa njim ni sa iphonovima);pa me interesuje da li je izashao tipa Ziphone za 3G ,ili neshto slichno..
Za 3G iPhone-ove josh uvek ne postoji softversko otkljuchavanje…Treba mu Universal SIM koji ce da gurne sa svojom SIM karticom u telefon i zatim sa pwnage programom jailbreak-uje i sve po redu…Tako ce da radi…
Well this has been a long time coming. It seems that the iPhone Dev-Team has finally done the impossible—they’ve gone and unlocked the iPhone 3G. The hack isn’t out yet (the team says they’re shooting for a December 31st release); and it requires that you’ve got a baseband of 2.11.07 or earlier, but when it drops, the crew seems fairly confident it will result in freedom from carrier oppression. The team is packaging the app—formerly codenamed ‘yellowsn0w’—into a user-friendly app a la PwnageTool and QuickPwn. Of course, you know how this cat and mouse game goes by now, so don’t be surprised when Jobs and company come calling with an update that adds toast making to the official menu, but breaks your breaks all over again.
We have been working hard on a few other things. The main one being the 3G unlock codenamed “yellowsn0w”. This is now completed and is currently being packaged into a user-friendly application with the simplicity that you see in QuickPwn or BootNeuter.
The target release date for the unlock is New Year’s Eve 2008.
This unlock method is available to iPhone 3Gs that have 2.11.07 baseband or earlier, we did warn you.
You can tell what version baseband you have by going to Settings->General->About->Modem Firmware
The unlock requires a jailbroken 3G iPhone. It’ll be installable via Cydia and so it doesn’t matter if you have a Mac or PC.
Please refrain from updating your baseband, regardless of what version you’re at. We’ll have complete directions on New Year’s Eve.
We’ll stream a live demo of the unlock before Christmas (see the update at the end of this post)
Iako to sve sto je Тоše napisao ima da se pročta na netu, nekima ni to nije dovoljno.
Evo recimo ja sam uspeo da apdejtujem iPhone 3G, koji nije moj, i to clean uz pomoć iTunesa i sad nema nazad. Ne radi sa turbo-simom. Retardinjo.
Pitanje je sledeće:
Da li mogu da ga prodam u Hrvatsku, dakle da li će raditi sa karticom njihovog provajdera koji prodaje iPhone?
Da li mogu da ga prodam u Hrvatsku, dakle da li će raditi sa karticom njihovog provajdera koji prodaje iPhone?
Ne, samo tamo gde je kupljen.
znaci puko sam
Nisam probao, tako da ne tvrdim, samo razmišljam logično. Telefon se obično vezuje uz jednog, a ne više, operatera. Imaš li uopšte informaciju gde je kupljen?
Izasho je yellowsn0w 3G unlock..Mozete ga skinuti sa Cydia ili Installer-om…Za Telekom MTS, posle instalacije 0.9.4 yellowsn0w-a resetujte network settings, reboot iPhone, sachekajte minut-dva, ako nema signala izvadite SIM i gurnite ga ponovo..Posle par sekundi sve radi…
A da li i sa 0.9.4 moras da izbacis i ubacis karticu posle reboota? Meni i 0.9.1 radi bez problema (MTS kartica); ali mora da se izbaci/ubaci nakon 60 sekundi posle dizanja sistema.
Ne menja mi se sad trenutno ova verzija sto radi kako radi, ako 0.9.4 ne radi 100% ..
# There is a known issue with SIM cards that have STK (SIM Toolkit) application menus. These menus are usually items such as “top up” “get credit” “lotto numbers” etc. These menu items confuse the application sometimes. Removing and reinserting the SIM once after reboot (give it about 10 secs 60 seconds (with v0.9.1) after you see the slide to unlock widget) fixes this issue. We’re working on a better fix. Update: version 0.9.4 fixes this for many (but probably not all) users who previously had to wait a minute and then replug the sim.
# For those of you using SIM cards without STK menus, the application has some optional arguments that will make the unlock much faster for you. So either experiment on your own (use “yellowsn0w -h” for usage) or wait for a customization writeup.
A da li i sa 0.9.4 moras da izbacis i ubacis karticu posle reboota? Meni i 0.9.1 radi bez problema (MTS kartica); ali mora da se izbaci/ubaci nakon 60 sekundi posle dizanja sistema.
Ne menja mi se sad trenutno ova verzija sto radi kako radi, ako 0.9.4 ne radi 100% ..
Mora..To je zbog SIM aplikacija..Medjutim sad ne mora da se cheka 60 sekundi…Ide brze mnogo…