Maloprije odradio update na 10.5.7 bez problema, pa onda SU za ostatak koji je izašao, pa među svime i Safari 4.0.1.
Obzirom da sam imao problema da namjestim top sites kako ja želim, na kraju sam to batalio, a u tom procesu sam naišao i na rješenje za ‘uslovno disable-ovanje ovog feature-a’, pa vam ga ovom prilikom prenosim, čsto da uštedite živce i prostor na disku…
Rješenje je preuzeto odavde.
Safari continues to accumulate image files regardless of the Reset action.
If you are using High Speed Internet, you can stop the image and file accumulations as follows:
First, in Safari, open Safari Reset in the Safari Menu. Select ‘empty the cache’, and ‘remove all web page preview images’. Select ‘reset’.
Next, go to the Finder. Command+3 to open in Column mode.
In Your User Account>Library>Caches> folder:
Single-click on Web Page Preview folder, then Command/I to open the Info panel. Lock the folder. Same with the cache.db file.
Also, in Caches >Metadata>Safari folder, move all the bookmarks files to the trash, then open the Info panel for the Bookmarks folder and lock it.
The result is no more accumulation in Caches, Web Previews incl cover flow and Top Sites. I’ve had these folders locked for over a week now with no adverse affect on Safari performance.
I haven’t tried the above for History as I use it.
Otkako sam to uradio, nemam problema sa Top Sites drešom…
Nabijem ih u glavu za idiotsko rješenje ove super ideje. Umjesto da dodavanje sajta u TS odrade npr. preko desnog klika na tab, pa da se izabere dodavanje u TS, moraš da se rveš sa Safari-jem, ne bi li postavio neki sajt u TS. Potrošio sam 15 minuta i na kraju pukao i odustao…