Kao jos milioni glupih ljudi na ovom svetu zaletim se da stavim 3.1 (posto sam glup jelte) i sta se desi. Uzmi ja Pwnage Tool i napravim Custom Firmware i ubacim iPhone u DFU i pokrenem Custom Restore ali ne lezi vraze sta se desava, nece izbaci neki error, probam ja jednom, dva puta, milion puta. Citav dan probavao nece. Mislim u sebi hajde da probam da downgrade-ujem probam da vratim na 3.0 sa RedSn0w 0.8, 0.7.2 nece ni jedan ni drugi i valjda sam u tom ocaju i bunilu odradio i RESTORE na 3.1 znaci uradio sam i update baseband-a.
Tu je krenuo pocetak kraj.
Pomocu ovog upustva:
**SOLUTION** IPHONE USERS - Anyone who is using an Iphone 2g or 3g and has accidently upgraded to 3.1.1 so simply go to your Itunes 9 or 8.2.1 and put your Iphone in DFU mode and press shift + Restore keys and locate 3.0 firmware file for your Iphone. At the end of this process you will get ERROR 1015. At this time close Itunes and open Redsnow 0.8 and run it. This Redsnow 0.8 will Hactivate your Iphone and open in normal mode. If Iphone gets stuck at end and does not reboot or you end up on Itunes logo and USB logo on your Iphone screen then press Power and Home button together for few seconds till your device reboots and then run Redsnow 0.8 again twice. And a headsup if your Cydia crashes after that then again run Redsnow for the third time. Now you will be fully Jailbroken having Cydia on your device. (But unfortunately if you are using a non-official sim like Tmobile then you cannot Unlock it using Ultrasnow, because baseband will be different.) Un-Official Sim users have to wait till Dev team announces an Unlock for 3.1. And Official Sim Users like At&t will also have no service if they downgrade from 3.1 to 3.0 .
*********************************************************************************************************************This is what i did to bring my firmware back from 3.1.1 to 3.0.. but the baseband is preventing me from getting service.
uspem da jailbreak-ujem tel, i sada mogu uci u njega, sve radi sve je kul samo mreze nema, drugim recima nemam vise iPhone nego iPod Touch, ostaje mi da cekam da DEV tim izbaci neki hack, crack ili cudo pa da mogu da otkljucam tel mada velike su sanse da ga vise nikad otkljucati necu.
Zasto mene nije update ne Custom 3.1 prosao kako treba a Dachaz, SERBIAN, zzare su to odradili i sve je OK, ne znam! Radio sam sve kako pise da treba da se radi. U sustini Pwnage Tools napravi Custom Firmware provede te kroz postuak ulaska u DFU i na kraju umesto da je sve kul meni izbaci error. Jbg na greskama se uci.