Teško. Sa foruma macosxhints:
I want to add a folder to OSX’s sidebar. Sounds simple, doens’t it? Here is the problem: The folder I want to add is the recent folders item in the Go Menu. As far as I can tell, the recent folders menu isn’t an actual ‘Folder’ but a command that the OS runs. I open up the ‘Objects.xib’ in TextWrangler and pulled the section on the ‘recent Folders section’:
<object class=‘IBCarbonMenuItem’ id=‘261’>
<string name=‘title’>Recent Folders</string>
<object name=‘submenu’ class=‘IBCarbonMenu’ id=‘262’>
<string name=‘title’>Recent Folders</string>
<array count=‘1’ name=‘items’>
<object class=‘IBCarbonMenuItem’ id=‘263’>
<string name=‘title’>Item</string>
<ostype name=‘command’>RcFd</ostype>
Is there any way that I can use this to add a ‘recent folders’ folder to the sidebar?
Takođe, probaj:
[code:1]defaults read com.apple.finder recent-folders[/code:1]
pa će ti biti jasno da taj recent folders folder u stvari i nije folder.
E sad, nemam vremena da još istražujem ali bi se verovatno dao napraviti AppleScript koji bi se zakačo kao Folder action na neki folder u koji bi taj skript kreirao aliase od tih stavki iz Recent menija, pa onda taj folder na koji si nakačo folder action da staviš u sidebar.