Kad neshto /fajl ili folder/ prevlachish /drag-ujesh/ iz jednog foldera u drugi i kad ti je fajl koji ‘vuchesh’ iznad foldera u koji ocesh da ga metesh, sachekash secundicu i taj folder se automatski otvori…Ono ‘Delay’ ti je da namestish kolko ocesh da chekash da se folder u koji prevlachish otvori…Ako iskljuchish ‘Spring-loaded fodlers’ onda nema automatskog otvaranja destinacije…
E sad ako si shvatio alal vera /poshto ni ja ne znam dal bi shvatio iz ovog shto sam napisao.. 😊/ al evo ti na engleskom iz Help-a:
‘Using spring-loaded folders:
If you pause a moment when you drag an item onto a folder, a window opens for the folder so you can choose where to put the item.
Drag the item to the folder, then wait a moment until the window opens.
To set the delay before the window opens, choose Finder > Preferences, click General, and adjust the Delay setting.
If you set a long delay or turn off spring-loaded folders in Finder Preferences, you can press the Space bar when you drag the icon to open the window immediately.’