Markooo wrote:
A ne ne ne, ovo je real bad taste
Nokia Accuses Apple of Patent Infringement Over iPhone
U ovom tekstu na koji upućuje link ne piše, ali u jednom kojeg pročtah juče piše da je Nokia na ime rojaltisa ne te svoje patente tražila od $6 do $12 po iPhoneu i da su navodno pregovarali godinu dana. Očgledno im je Džobs rekao: sosume*.
* - sosume je jedan od zvukova na Mac OS Classicu, a bio je odgovor Carlu Saganu koji se bunio što je neki od Appleovih proizvoda imao radni naziv po njemu. B)
Sa Wikipedia sajta:
In 1994, Apple Computer began developing the Power Macintosh 7100. They chose the internal code name ‘Carl Sagan’, the reference being that the mid-range PowerMac 7100 should make Apple ‘billions and billions.’[3] Though the internal project name was never used in public marketing, it did come up in Usenet postings and news of the name grew from there. When Sagan learned of this he sued Apple Computer to force the use of a different project name. Other models released conjointly had code names such as ‘Cold fusion’ and ‘Piltdown Man’, and Sagan was displeased at being associated with what he considered pseudoscience. (He was at the time writing a book discrediting pseudoscience.) Though Sagan lost the lawsuit Apple engineers complied with his demands anyway and renamed the project ‘BHA’ (for Butt-Head Astronomer). Sagan promptly sued Apple for libel over the new name, claiming that it subjected him to contempt and ridicule, but he lost this lawsuit as well. Still, the 7100 saw another name change: it was finally referred to internally as ‘LAW’ (Lawyers Are Wimps).
Post edited by: madamov, at: 2009/10/23 12:52