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Bad taste..
Posted: 15 November 2006 07:53 PM   [ # 16 ]
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Videh juče čm se pojavilo na MDN-u, upišah se od smeha. B)


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Posted: 15 November 2006 08:27 PM   [ # 17 ]
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Hmmm… Ko je ovde na forumima ostavio onaj citat Stiva Džobsa o tome kako nije problem u ogavnom dizajnu Windowsa već u tome koliko je ljudi oduševljeno time?

Ako nas iskustvo uč nečemu onda je to da ubedljivo najveći broj beslovesne mase žudi za ubedljivo najodurnijim primercima bilo čega… Na žalost.

Ipak, ovaj smeđi je toliko ružan da sam siguran da će mu zapasti uloga izuzetka koji potvrđuje pravilo 😊 Čak i na promo fotkama se vidi koliko je jeftina bela plastika na drugom modelu, a taj beli model bi trebao da bude fensi, xo xo xo 😊


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Posted: 08 December 2006 07:32 PM   [ # 18 ]
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Behind the Scenes at the Microsoft Zune Design Laboratory:

Lead Designer: [Holding up an iPod] Ok, so we want to make one of these.

Associate Designer: Embrace and extend one of these, you mean.

LD: Right, right. [Nods] Right. So are we done?

AD: Well, no. We have to design it.

LD: I thought we were embracing their design.

AD: No, Jobs has good lawyers. We need to do lots of extending.

LD: Right. Right. [Turns iPod around in his hands] VistaPod?

AD: More than the name.

LD: Right. Well, how about we make this scroll wheel thingy textured. With little bumps and shit. The TexturePod!

AD: No. We can’t use a scrollwheel. Apple has that patented. And we want to stay away from pod, if possible.

LD: [sighs] Tell me again why we don’t just buy the fuckers?

AD: Jobs won’t sell.

LD: Oh, good. I thought it was principles, or something.

AD: No. We haven’t embraced principles. How about we make the screen bigger?

LD: I like that! We’ll have a VistaPod Enterprise Edition with a big screen, a VistaPod Home Edition with a really small screen, a VistaPod Business Edition with a big screen, but only half of it works, a VistaPod Student Edition …

AD: We’re going to try to embrace simplicity for this one. Only one edition.

LD: [pauses] I don’t understand.

AD: Only one kind of VistaPod.

LD: Huh.

AD: And we can’t call it a VistaPod.

LD: Right.

AD: Right.

[uncomfortable silence]

LD: So how much did we offer Jobs?

AD: Lots. Ok, so a bigger screen. And let’s use buttons instead of the wheel.

LD: Right. Wheels are dumb anyway. You don’t type with wheels!

AD: Yeah. [pauses] You know that there’s not going to be any typing on this thing, right?

LD: [frowns] So how are they going to pick songs?

AD: Well, not by typing their names.

LD: So are all the songs going to be in the Start menu?

AD: [pauses] There’s not going to be a Start menu either.

LD: Oh.

AD: Have you even looked at an iPod before?

LD: Well … no. I was just going to hand one off to our Embrace and Extendgineers and tell them to make one.

AD: Well we can’t do that.

LD: Right. [pauses] So bigger screen, buttons. No Start Menu. No keyboard. No mouse?

AD: No mouse.

LD: No mouse. Ok. [thinks] I’ve got it.

AD: Alright.

LD: iPods come in a bunch of colors, right? White and black and blue and whatever, right?

AD: Right.

LD: Let’s come up with a color that no one’s ever used before.

AD: [sighs] That’s a start, I guess.

LD: Brown.

AD: Brown?

LD: Brown.

AD: Like a UPS truck?

LD: I was thinking more a carmel shit brown.

AD: A shit-colored MP3 player.

LD: Yeah. [smiles] Oh yeah.

AD: So you’re proposing a ShitPod.

LD: [frowns] I thought we couldn’t use pod.

AD: Why would anybody buy that?

LD: It’s reverse psychology. Everyone always says our stuff looks like shit, right? So what happens if we make something that actually does?

AD: [rubs temples] I don’t know.

LD: Then we get to say yeah it looks like shit! That’s the point!


LD: It’s countercultural! It’s bold!


LD: I feel like we’re having a moment here.

AD: Have you ever designed anything before?

LD: Also, let’s make it look like a brick. A sort of clunky brown brick with a big screen and buttons.

AD: A ShitBrickPod.

LD: Something like that. [claps hands] I think we’ve got it. We’ll get marketing to take pictures of teenagers laughing and partying and being cool while they’re listening to their ShitBrickPods. And we’ll call the campaign “Bringing the Ugly”.

AD: I don’t think that’s a great idea.

LD: Apple’s already done pretty, ok? They’ve already done elegant and well-designed. We need to go in a different direction.

AD: So you’re saying we need to boldly sell something ugly and poorly designed.

LD: Look, we’ve been doing it for the past fifteen years. Why stop now? What’s so special about the ShitBrickPod?

AD: I really don’t think …

LD: Ok, lunchtime! [stands up] That was fun. Let’s design something else tomorrow!


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


Posted: 08 December 2006 10:31 PM   [ # 19 ]
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da znas da sam i mislio da je tako nenako bilo, hehehe 😊


Mac Pro 5

Posted: 11 December 2006 02:24 PM   [ # 20 ]
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‘What’s missing
Speaking of basic functionality, what else does iPod/iTunes offer that the Zune lacks?

Podcasting, contacts and calendars, the ability to use the player as a removable drive, audiobook support, alarm clock, games, notes, clock and stopwatch, screen lock, photo transfer (with accessory); voice recording (with accessory); Sound Check, volume limit, gapless playback, fades, Party Shuffle, iMix, gift certificates, allowances, videos for sale, artist alerts, burning MP3 CDs, shared libraries, parental controls.

Oh, and style.

And what does the Zune have that iPod/iTunes lacks?

Squirting, FM radio, larger screen, horizontal view of pictures and videos, music subscription service.

And, of course, brown.’


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


Posted: 11 December 2006 06:10 PM   [ # 21 ]
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Ono sto meni fali na Nanu je FM Radio.

Posted: 12 December 2006 10:50 AM   [ # 22 ]
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Nema veze sa ShitPodom, pardon Zuneom, ali je vrhunac ‘bad tastea’:



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Posted: 12 December 2006 10:55 AM   [ # 23 ]
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I ovo je interesantno, dve nedelje po početku prodaje u San Francisku je teško da se nađu dva korisnika Zunea:



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Posted: 12 December 2006 12:44 PM   [ # 24 ]
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Bad Taste je zakon film.

There was one guy by the Zune display grabbing a pile of Zune accessories, so I asked him if he already had the player. ‘I have three,’ he responded, though none of the devices appeared to be on him.

A little probing revealed that he worked for Microsoft in Zurich.



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Posted: 12 December 2006 01:23 PM   [ # 25 ]
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I onda kazu mi fanatici :laugh:

Posted: 12 December 2006 03:17 PM   [ # 26 ]
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mora da je dobio povisicu za to


Mac Pro 5

Posted: 14 December 2006 03:20 AM   [ # 27 ]
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Hoće li neko meni da objasni odakle nalaze ovakve ‘vesti’?



🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 14 December 2006 09:23 AM   [ # 28 ]
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Pa, kao što piše: Tanjug. Dakle, ‘Telegrafska agencija nove Jugoslavije’. Ne znam za vas ali meni zvuč najobjektivnije na celome svetu! I ja im verujem, jer i sam spadam u tu grupu >55god.!!!


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Posted: 14 December 2006 10:09 AM   [ # 29 ]
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Darko Selaković wrote:

Hoće li neko meni da objasni odakle nalaze ovakve ‘vesti’?


Video sam tu vest na MDN-u, ovlaš je pročtao i ovo Tanjugovo je, kao i obično, pogrešna interpretacija. Prava interpretacija je da od osoba starijih od 55 godina koje poseduju računar u USA, više od pola ima Macove.


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Posted: 14 December 2006 10:17 AM   [ # 30 ]
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Bieće da sam ja pogrešno razumeo. Evo originalne vesti:


A evo i vesti u kojoj je i odgovor od Applea gde kaže da je pravi procenat oko 20%:



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