Markooo wrote:
Milke jel ja gresim ili Springy ne podrzava .7z format?
Version 1.6
Released 18 Nov 2009
Open, read and extract support for 7Z archives (support for creating/modifying of 7Z archives will come soon).
Open, read and extract support for Microsoft CAB archives.
Springy is a Services Provider application, with Services Menu actions in Snow Leopard replacing Finder contextual menu plug-in (CM plug-in is still available in Leopard and earlier).
Direct extraction mode, when the whole archive or disk image is extracted with double click on its file in Finder (application only).
Flat file list view, which shows all files and folders in an archive without their mutual hierarchy (application only).
Much more robust automatic archive type recognition.
Ko nije video, izasla verzija 1.6 juce, za sad sam je probao sa sitnijim zip fajlovima (sto mi u sustini i najvise treba) i radi ko sat 😊
Inace, jos jedno programce manje na mom hdd-u….povremeno naletim na 7z arhivu, pa mi sad nista sem springija i ne treba 😊
Hvala Milke