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najnevjerovatniji kvar na iPhoneu
Posted: 24 November 2009 08:49 PM
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neki od vas su upoznati da mi je pukao displej na iPhoneu i da sam ga zamjenio
e pa sad juce je novi prestao reagovati,sjekirom da ga udarim jece da pomjeri onaj slajder,
bio mi je ispao prije toga,ali radio je posto sam ga podigao,a i nije neki fatalan pad
naravno odnesem ga u servis,a oni kazu samo mjesec dana garancije na ekran.
cinjenica da su komintenti banke u kojoj radim me jedino sprijecila da ih pomlatim.
al opet su pobjegli u drugu prostoriju jer mi znaju narav vezanu za raniji jedan nesporazum i ostavili mi radnicu da me pozdravi i pokaze vrata

elem ne budem lijen i uradim restore i woala- sve radi savrseno

5 minuta

drugi put nisam uspio da ga otkljucam

sad cu da pokusam upgrade na 3.1.2,pa da vidimo hoce li to sto pomoci

buni me ,ako je hardverski problem,zasto hoce da se otkljuca 1vi put normalno a poslije ne.

googlam ja,googlajte i vi

udjoh poslije restora u meni i ne radi mi gornji dio ekrana
znaci ipak je hardver….


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Posted: 24 November 2009 09:01 PM   [ # 1 ]
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Vrlo moguce da je hardver… desava se to sa iPhone ekranima da ne radi jedan deo… BTW u kom si ga servisu popravljao, nadam se da si u iphone-srbija, posto su specijalizovani samo za iPhone…:dry:
ali opet, probaj hard reset(home+power dugme oko 15 sekundi) mozda pomogne B)

Post edited by: Jova96, at: 2009/11/24 21:04


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Posted: 24 November 2009 09:03 PM   [ # 2 ]
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Jova96 wrote:

Vrlo moguce da je hardver… desava se to sa iPhone ekranima da ne radi jedan deo… BTW u kom si ga servisu popravljao, nadam se da si u iphone-srbija, posto su specijalizovani samo za iPhone…:dry:

Bu2nin = Budvanin = Budva

ili se varam 😛



Posted: 24 November 2009 09:04 PM   [ # 3 ]
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Au da… nisam ni gledao username nego sam samo rekao, ali ondaa sam mu u editu rekao sta da radi B)


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Posted: 24 November 2009 09:06 PM   [ # 4 ]
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seljaci iz budve
da sam imao vremena sam bi ga mijenjao
al zato sad gubim vrijeme
evo neki common problems,pa neka se nadju za nadaj boze:

IPhone touch screen not working

The touch screen on my iPhone just stopped working. I can get it to turn on and unlock, but none of the functions on the screen will work. Please help…


I tried solution on Unlocked 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 versions. Just follow the steps they have been explained really easy way. Dont think this is too hard. Just follow them it will work:
1) download WinSCP on your PC (google it) and run the application
2) download new general.plist file (google it) on laptop
3) download OpenSSH on your iphone (it will not show on iphone but its there so dont worry)
4) connect the laptop and iphone through the same wireless network.
5) write the ipaddress of the iphone from(Settings>Wifi>network details to which you are connected to shows you the ipaddress)
6) Goto laptop on WinSCP type the ipaddress of the iphone in host name field and username: root and password: alpine and then hit Login.
7) it will open like an explorer view of your iphone files on laptop then click on root on the left side. then Click Applications> preferences> replace the general.plist file with the one you downloaded. you have Done the major part.
Now unplug iphone click Settings> General>Touch and reduce the senstivity to 0. 0 gives you the highest touch sensitivity.
9) Now be happy it works….
Iphone unlock code

got an iphone but it’s locked how would i unlock it

iPhone does not have code to unlock if you have AT&T sim you can unlock it trough iTunes, if not if not try this site http://iphone.unlock.no/ Follow the guides and use the software to unlock it.
Hi friends,
if you want unlock iphone, all version, 1.1.1 to 1.1.3 OTB, today you can for 19 euros!! Go on http://www.fastunlockiphone.com
My Iphone wont turn on

My iphone’s battery died and i plugged it in to charge it and left it there. Then plugged it into my computer then tried to turn it on and it wont turn on.. I don’t know what to do. Does anybody have any ideas

ive tried charging and holding both buttons but nothing that means it is a hardware problem or the motherboard
try resetting it by pressing and hold the Sleep/Wake button (on the top right of the unit) and the Home button (circular button on the iPhone?s face) simultaneously for at least 10 seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
The first tip worked for me too, just try resetting it… Here’s the logic: When your iPhone dies, the internal RAM shuts down after the reserve battery power is used. This in turn sleeps the motherboard, which is why it appears dead. Resetting the RAM on the motherboard will juice the very small amount of energy out of the battery to re-boot the motherboard. If resetting your iPhone doesn’t work for you at first. Lay it in your cradle for approx. 10 minutes then try resetting. Although it doesn’t appear so, you will actually be charging the battery, just without waking the motherboard.
Hold down the home button then plug the usb lead into the back of the computer at the same time. see if that helps!
Apple iPhone Smartphone Cannot connect Youtube on iphone

I have a unlocked version of iphone i have been able to use safari and other features over EDGE network but when i try to connect to Youtube it says ‘cannot connect to Youtube’

Step 1: backup your settings and files on itunes
Step 2: restore iphone to default( this will erase everything)
Step 3: try Youtube before Jailbreak to make sure its working
Step 4: ***important*** run ziphone for JAILBREAK only!
YouTUBE remains working. when I tried to DO-IT-ALL youtube never worked afterwards.
Step 5: Sync iphone to get your settings, contacts, emails back
This worked for my 1.1.4 version. http://tonystech.blogspot.com/2007/09/youtube-fix-for-unlocked-iphones.html
he right steps are go to installer and:
1. add i.unlock.no source
2. install youtube activation under Unlock tools
3. restart the iphone
4. uninstall youtube activation
5. restart the iphone
6. install youtube activation
7. restart the iphone
8. test the youtube app. It will work now
Iphone camera

i downloaded photos through iphoto and manually deleted photos from camera roll
now, ‘camera’ will not open, saying that there is not enough room to take additional pictures and advises to delete some existing pictures
‘camera’ roll says that there are no photos and that i can take photos ‘photos’ also says that i can take photos
neither restoring via the phone settings or via itunes has not solved the problem
any ideas? is this another expensive, underperforming jobs product now that he’s prepping for retirement?

I just had this problem solved.

1. Use your finger and press on the lense towards the phone.

2. Re-boot the iphone.

this should solve it hopefully.
listen i undrstand ur problem and i hav a solution fr this….....i know u all usually use ziphone 2 unlok iphone but that brings another extra icon in iphone as zibris blog and other files as well…....so that causes many problems…..better unlock it with a software called iliberty….....thats te best way 2 escape this problem
Iphone call problem

Hi, I can make and receive calls but i can hardly hear the person on the other end. Even when the volume is full or on speaker it sounds like they’re miles away but they can hear me. Also it always says call forwarding active and i can tap dismiss. What can I do so I can hear clearly?

First, try restoring it. Plug it in to the computer and Click Restore When it pops up in itunes. Please note that this will destroy all data on the phone.
If that doesnt work, call apple.

Post edited by: bu2nin, at: 2009/11/24 21:21


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Posted: 24 November 2009 09:09 PM   [ # 5 ]
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I dalje zeza posle svega toga? jbg.. HW
Sto seljaci iz Budve, vi lepse zivite nego mi ovde B)


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Posted: 24 November 2009 09:28 PM   [ # 6 ]
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ma seljaka svuda ima- thats my point

a ogrijesih se o pojam seljaka- danas bio na nekoj farmi da procijenjujem mogucnost za neki agro kredit,i super mi bilo

sad cu da probam taj general.plst fajl za 3.0,samo da ga nadjem
da popravim touchscreen sensitivity,pa javljam

a vi googlajte


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Posted: 24 November 2009 09:48 PM   [ # 7 ]
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[img size=150]http://limitededitioniphone.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/img_9002.JPG[/img]
Sve bi super bilo kad ova komanda za podesavanje ne bi bila na dijelu ekrana koji ne radi…
pas maters

Post edited by: bu2nin, at: 2009/11/24 22:07


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Posted: 25 November 2009 12:58 AM   [ # 8 ]
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sam sam modifikovao touch.plist
al nista nije pomoglo

bem li ga
ne mogu uvijek ni da ga otkljucam,bar da ga koristim za muziku

u svakom sl,sad sam u potrazi za jeftinim 3g,pa ako neko prodaje…


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Posted: 25 November 2009 08:31 AM   [ # 9 ]
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pazi, seljak moze da ima dvostruko znacenje, i kao neko ko zivi na selu i bavi se poljoprivredom a i ono pogrdno. a zemljoradnik je zna se sta, to je da kazemo uze znacenje pojma seljak 😉
komsija, zao mi tog iPhona, a da probas da nadjes opet samo ekran, pogledaj na iSrbija.net ima ponekad neko prodaje nesto tako.
primecujem da te nema u zadnje vreme na forumu kao nekad. ocigledno, bracni zivot uzima danak 😉

Post edited by: cvrcak, at: 2009/11/25 08:34

Posted: 25 November 2009 10:20 AM   [ # 10 ]
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Seljak, seljaci su fini ljudi koji žive na selu i obično se bave poljoprivredom.

Seljačna, seljačne su glupi ljudi koji žive u gradu i ponašaju se kao da su ga oslobodili.

Nemojte da mešate.



Posted: 25 November 2009 10:36 AM   [ # 11 ]
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Izvinjavam se na digresiji, ali moram da dodam na ovu temu jer sam se slatko nasmejao pre jedno godinu dana dok sam pred spavanje čtao sinu ‘Mačka u čzmama’. Ima jedna scena u kojoj mačak govori seljacima koji žanju žito da treba da kažu da je sva ta zemlja u stvari od njegovog prijatelja kojeg je proglasio za princa.

Na to će moj sin: ‘Tata, jesu li to isti oni seljaci što bacaju đubre na ulicu?’. B)


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Posted: 25 November 2009 11:02 AM   [ # 12 ]
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@markooo: u pravu si.
nego kako coveku da pomognemo, znaci ili 3G ili drugi ekran. pogledaj na http://www.limundo.com ponekad ima neki 3G i jos ponesto, kao i na isrbija.net

Posted: 25 November 2009 11:10 AM   [ # 13 ]
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Ma tu nema pomoći, već je jednom menjao ekran.

Bu2nin-e izgleda da si spreman da kreneš dalje. B)



Posted: 25 November 2009 07:06 PM   [ # 14 ]
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Sestra je na njenom iPhone-u imala isti problem. Gornji deo ekrana ne radi. Mogla samo da se javlja na pozive. Odnela je fon u servis i jedina solucija je bila da joj ugrade novi ekran shto je i uradila.


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Posted: 25 November 2009 07:23 PM   [ # 15 ]
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Dosta mi je mijenjanja displeja,ne znaju ga poslije uklopiti
dacu ga appleservisu da se vjezba

ako ga popravi eto mu ga
al samo ako promjeni onaj ruzni avatar frajera sa plavom rukavicom

jeste,nema me
al uvijek mozete racunati da cu nesto da sjebem i da onda vas iscrpno izvjestim kako sam isto popravio
ili sahranio 😊

poenta je sto meni gornja polovina ne radi,al se hoce otkljucati samo prvi put,
ako se opet zakljuca, eb ga…restart

Post edited by: bu2nin, at: 2009/11/25 19:29


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