A evo nešto iz tog vremena, u stvari koju godinu ranije jer sam još koristio drugarov email nalog na UBBG-u:
U direktorujumu:
ćete naći i http://www.umich.edu/~archive/atari/Utilities/mcf.arc čji readme fajl kaže:
Miki Change Folder V1.0
INSTALLATION: To install MCF just start MCFINSTL.PRG. MCF.ACC must be in the
same folder as MCFINSTL.PRG is in. Otherwise, you should not be able to install
MCF correctly. After MCFINSTL.PRG succesfuly finish installation, copy MCF.ACC
to root directory of your’s boot drive or partition. Then reboot. That’s all.
USAGE: Choose MCF item from Desk menu on Desktop. If there is Desktop disk
window topped ( active ) at the moment MCF will draw it’s dialog box on the
screen, otherwise MCF will display it’s warning alert. In dialog, MCF will
display directory ( folder ) tree on the disk which window was topped when MCF
was called. This tree might not represent the real state of disk folders.
That’s because MCF stores information about disk directories in MCF.INF file,
and that file is created or updated only if there is no such file on the disk
or when active folder in topped window is not known in MCF.INF. Of course, you
can force update of MCF.INF on current disk by selecting Rescan disk folders
button from dialog box. This operation might take a while and that is the
reason why MCF doesn’t create/update MCF.INF file every time when it’s invoked.
Moving through the tree is simple as clicking on one or two arrow boxes ( one
arrow boxes moves row up/down, two arrow boxes moves page up/down ). To select
other drive just click on box with that drive’s letter. To change folder in
active disk window, click once on the folder’s name and press RETURN or double
click on folder’s name. Pressing RETURN is same as clicking on Yeah, do change
button. Don’t change button stands in case you change your’s mind. MCF doesn’t
check if the selected path is correct ( there might be some folders in the path
that you have deleted and MCF doesn’t know anything about that ). In this case,
there will be ’ 0 bytes in 0 files ’ message in info line of topped window with
selected path in window’s move bar. As you can see, MCF is not supposed to be
called in programs, because there is no disk windows then. That is the reason
why MCF will not work when it’s invoked within Gemini, Neodesk or similar
Desktop alernative ( sorry, but I cannot hack through the every Gemini’s or
Neodesk’s version and it’s window organization ). However, MCF can be invoked
from MULTIDESK installed as Desk accessory, but not as program.
I’ve tested MCF with this TOS version’s : 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6.
I’d like to thank my friend Predrag Kucinovic who wrote ESC routine ( piece of
code that sends escape character to Desktop to force it to reread disk and
redraw window contents ). Without it, MCF would not be what it is now.
These are some things that I should probably include in next version of MCF :
- search option in the dialog which will work similar to one in Norton
Change Directory on PC’s,
- one editable field in dialog to enter folder’s name via keyboard,
- MCFINSTL will grow to be installation and configuration program. It
shall have ability to disable/enable automatic rescaning of disk
folder’s and option to remove some folders from MCF.INF file.
Send your suggestions and PD contributions ( I’ll appreciate any amount you
send ) to :
Milan Adamov
Ratka Vujovica Coce 6
11090 Belgrade
( this is my friends E-mail address, so please as subject write in ‘to Milan’
or ‘MCF’ or ‘to Miki’ )
Iz čega možete da ukapirate da je to bio klon NCD-a za GEM. B)