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Posted: 29 January 2010 12:45 PM   [ # 241 ]
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Lep tekst kji se nadovezuje na ovu našu raspravu:

Why I’m Excited About the iPad: A Developer’s Perspective

Much has been written about all the iPad surprises, disappointments, features, missing features, hype, expectations, future, etc. adnauseam. But not much has been written about what the iPad says about Apple. I’m excited about the iPad because of the many ways it demonstrates that Apple just gets it.

Palm almost gets it, Microsoft may be on it’s way to getting it with the Zune platform, Blackberry doesn’t have to get it, and Google just doesn’t get it.

What’s this “it” I’m referring to? Humans.

Andy Ihnatko wrote a masterful review of Google’s Nexus One smartphone a few weeks ago for the Chicago Sun Times. Referring to some frustrations with the device, Andy said: “These are not difficult problems to spot, if you allow Humans to test a design before you start building hundreds of thousands of them.”

But wait, Google has a very thorough “dogfood” program. Google employees and other testers spent months using the Nexus One prior to launch. But that’s not what Andy meant by Human. Sure Google employees are human beings, but in relation to technology, they are not Humans.

Let’s face it—developers, engineers, the tech press, geeks, and even power users are not mere mortals, we are the gods of technology. We create it. We bend it to our will. We know all. We see all. And if we need something, we can access and parse the collective consciousness.

We do have various things in common with Humans and can appreciate much of what has been built for Humans, but at the end of the day it’s much easier for us to gloss over design flaws, see past ambiguity, and even make excuses for complexity.

When we design things for ourselves, it’s AWESOME! We incorporate every possible feature, make it fully customizable, and incorporate every related cutting edge technology (and a few unrelated cutting edge technologies just for good measure).

But the things we build for ourselves are completely indecipherable by Humans. And we don’t have the time or patience to sit down and explain it to every friend, colleague, and family member. Then our grandparents buy it our lives devolve into a series of “Who’s on first” style conversations.

The iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and whatever comes down the road is not about us, it’s about the Humans among us. And that excites me. There are far more Humans in the world than there are gods of technology.


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Posted: 29 January 2010 01:19 PM   [ # 242 ]
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Uf, kada vidim kako ste se raspisali mrzi me i da citam 😊
Salim se sada cu ja to ocas… Za to vreme mogu samo reci fina sprava, rado bih je imao po US ceni i malo preko ali i dalje me nervira sto nema podrsku za Flash… Kupicu jedan kao svadbeni poklon buducoj zeni (trebala je ona meni ali ovako bih ga imao u kuci a ona bi meni AppleCinema Display 27’ kad izadje)


&#63743;iMac 27\\\" i3 3.2&#63743;MacBook Alu 13\\\" 2.0&#63743;iPad 1st&#63743;iPhone 4S&#63743;iPhone 3Gs&#63743;iMac 20\\\" 2.0&#63743;iPhone 2G&#63743;iPod Classic

Posted: 29 January 2010 03:33 PM   [ # 243 ]
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LaMar wrote:

ali i dalje me nervira sto nema podrsku za Flash…

Flash je mrtav, samo još toga nisi svestan. Bez zezanja, i Apple i Google ga neće, opstaće samo onaj AIR i Flex, a i to je pitanje ako Adobe ne izbaci iz njih ActionScript i počne da koristi neki normalan jezik.


ACSP 10.10 - ACSP 10.9 - ACA 10.8 Mac Management - ACSP 10.8 -  ACSP 10.7 - ACSA 10.6

Posted: 29 January 2010 03:53 PM   [ # 244 ]
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Mario wrote:

Možda je ram toliki zbog pritiska koji će se vršiti na ivice uređaja, tokom dužeg držanja sa strana ili kao zaštita od pucanja ekrana, ako ispadne. A bi stvarno bilo lepše da je manji.

John Gruber je probao spravu i kaže da je ram savršene velične, taman dovoljno širok da mogu komotno da se spuste palčevi pri držanju a da se to ne registruje kao dodir.

iPhone držiš sa strane, u jednoj ruci, ne idu ti prsti preko ekrana - ovde držiš sa dve ruke i normalno dođe da se palčevi spuste na gornju površinu.

Posted: 29 January 2010 06:13 PM   [ # 245 ]
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ja imam prste ka hobotnica,

legnuce mi savrseno

i to bas ovaj unibody style


http://primorskenovine.me/          http://gospostina.in

Posted: 29 January 2010 06:15 PM   [ # 246 ]
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madamov wrote:

LaMar wrote:

ali i dalje me nervira sto nema podrsku za Flash…

Flash je mrtav, samo još toga nisi svestan. Bez zezanja, i Apple i Google ga neće, opstaće samo onaj AIR i Flex, a i to je pitanje ako Adobe ne izbaci iz njih ActionScript i počne da koristi neki normalan jezik.

Izgleda da će ga na žalost staviti:

sa prezentacije:
[img size=150]http://images.appleinsider.com/ipad-flash-100129-4.png[/img]
iz promotivnog videa:
[img size=150]http://images.appleinsider.com/ipad-flash-100129-2.png[/img]



🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 29 January 2010 06:17 PM   [ # 247 ]
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bu2nin wrote:

ja imam prste ka hobotnica,

legnuce mi savrseno

i to bas ovaj unibody style

Meni je žao što nema neka ‘education’ verzija bele boje :(


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 29 January 2010 08:31 PM   [ # 248 ]
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Darko ti se bas navukao na bijelo


a solid alu osjecaj

‘misleading’ u tekstu navodi da ga nece ipak biti,iako su ga stavili
lakse je promijeniti sajt nego os

3mil kindlova prodano dovoljno opravdava postojanje iPada
i zatvara finansijsku strukturu ove rasprave

i jos jednom napominjem:
modbook je od 699!!!


http://primorskenovine.me/          http://gospostina.in

Posted: 29 January 2010 08:54 PM   [ # 249 ]
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Ja imam 2G, iPad mi se zhestoko svidja, stvarno je sjajan. pored 2Ga i iPad-a mi novi iPhone nece trebati B)


&#63743;iPhone 6s Plus 64GB Space Gray
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Posted: 29 January 2010 08:59 PM   [ # 250 ]
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Markooo wrote:

Faca wrote:

jeste da je sprava vishe fensi nego sto je all-in-wonder tabla,ali, u svakom sluchaju bi kupio bilo koji obichan fon+iPad nego li iphone3gs….sigurno ce nekima odgovarati ova kombinacija,kao sto bi meni odgovarala kroz neko vreme.

Znam jednog što je furao isti ovaj fazon samo ipod touch + običan fon pa se sada gorko kaje što nije pazario iphone.

meni pase odlicno,nikad se nisam bunio
telefon koristim…pa kao telefon…za poziv i poruke…
a ipod touch kao ipod touch…za muziku,beleske,i sve moguce stvari(there’s an app for that)...

ne svidja mi se sto je baterija mnoooogo kratka,i ne mogu da vidim sebe sa iphoneom…
sa vremena na vreme odigram neku igricu,muzika uglavnom radi non-stop,i takodje sahovski problemi…
vise od 1 dana ne moze da izdrzi

Posted: 29 January 2010 10:39 PM   [ # 251 ]
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madamov wrote:

LaMar wrote:

ali i dalje me nervira sto nema podrsku za Flash…

Flash je mrtav, samo još toga nisi svestan. Bez zezanja, i Apple i Google ga neće, opstaće samo onaj AIR i Flex, a i to je pitanje ako Adobe ne izbaci iz njih ActionScript i počne da koristi neki normalan jezik.

Izgleda da će ga na žalost staviti:


sa prezentacije:


iz promotivnog videa:



http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/01/29/ apples_ipad_promo_materials_misleading_on_adobe_flash_support.html

Ja koliko vidim po netu ima i dalje dosta Flash-a, cak se daleko brze i vise primio nego Flex tako da ne verujem da ce umreti. Cinjenica na koliko sajtova u potpunom Flash-u naidjem govorio bi dijagram temperature mog procesora. O raznim reklamama i header-ima u Flash-u ne bih ni da govorim. Elem, otvorite b92.net sa ClickToFlash i vidite koliko cete sajta zapravo otvoriti. Dalje, prodaja sajta HTML, CSS, i slicno u prodaji kosta oko 500E a Flash sa AC kosta i po 1500E i to samo zbog lakoce i slobode dizajnerima da urade sta hoce. Elem, offtopic pa necu vise da zastupam ineterese Adobe-a


&#63743;iMac 27\\\" i3 3.2&#63743;MacBook Alu 13\\\" 2.0&#63743;iPad 1st&#63743;iPhone 4S&#63743;iPhone 3Gs&#63743;iMac 20\\\" 2.0&#63743;iPhone 2G&#63743;iPod Classic

Posted: 29 January 2010 10:49 PM   [ # 252 ]
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Osim reklama otvorilo se sve važno 😊

Posted: 29 January 2010 10:53 PM   [ # 253 ]
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Nema flash-a:


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 29 January 2010 11:44 PM   [ # 254 ]
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Sim.a wrote:

Osim reklama otvorilo se sve važno 😊

OK, hajde sada probaj YouTube 😊
Opet sve vazno?


&#63743;iMac 27\\\" i3 3.2&#63743;MacBook Alu 13\\\" 2.0&#63743;iPad 1st&#63743;iPhone 4S&#63743;iPhone 3Gs&#63743;iMac 20\\\" 2.0&#63743;iPhone 2G&#63743;iPod Classic

Posted: 30 January 2010 12:28 AM   [ # 255 ]
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LaMar wrote:

Sim.a wrote:

Osim reklama otvorilo se sve važno 😊

OK, hajde sada probaj YouTube 😊
Opet sve vazno?

Aj da završimo da tim flash-om i videom za svagda B)
Moj treći post odozdo sa dva screen shot-a:



🍎 Дарко Селаковић

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