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iPhone OS 4.0
Posted: 09 April 2010 06:03 PM   [ # 31 ]
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1. How do I get Beta 4.0!? How much should I PAY for a Dev spot?

You must first download 4.0 Beta via a torrent file or from the Apple Dev portal. (Search on google)
You must have access to a dev account. (This forum has Users selling Dev spots. Also see Ebay)
Anyone can buy a Dev account for $99.00 and they can then add 100 devices
Prices for Dev spots seem to be a reasonable $5 to $10 donation.

2. What is a UDID and How do I find it?

A UDID is each iPhone’s Unique Device ID (40 hex characters)
To find it:
You connect your iPhone to itunes

Click on the actual serial numbers for your iPhone in iTunes summary page:
Serial Number:*9
(11 digits)

When you click the serial numbers it will change to identifier:
Identifier (UDID):*
xxxxxxxx…. (40 digits)

2. Is 4.0 Beta or a real release and when is it being released to the public?

4.0 is a Beta release for developers to incorporate support for the new capabilities of 4.0 into their software

The legitimacy of using 4.0 is kind of shady. While apple does allow developers to seed their apps to ‘testers’ who don’t have to be developers, apple agreed to allow developers too add up to 100 devices to their lists as to collect crash log info and make debugging much easier.

Apple do not support or recommend updating at this time (If you are not a developer or tester for a developer). It will not void your warranty but will leave you with a unjailbreakable OS. If you try to update without being on a dev list you may not be able to activate your phone, but some people have managed to circumvent this.

3. If I upgrade my 3G/3GS phone to 4.0 will it still be unlocked?

No, and there will not be official Dev Team support for 4.0 jailbreak/unlock until the official 4.0 release.

4. I upgraded my phone to 4.0 and can’t make calls how do I install ultrasn0w or blackrain?

Due to there not being support for Jailbreaking/Unlocking Installing ultrasn0w or blackra1n is NOT possible.

5. How do I downgrade the baseband?

Downgrading the Baseband is NOT Possible.
Users must wait for the Dev Team to release an Unlock to use other GSM carriers on 4.0.

6. How do I Unlock/Jailbreak Beta 4.0?

You cannot Unlock/Jailbreak until the official release for 4.0 comes out and the Dev Team post their update. Beta jailbreaks may come out but will not have official support.

7. I installed 4.0 Beta on my phone and iTunes won’t activate my phone… Help!

You must have access to a dev account. (This forum has Users selling Dev spots. Also see Ebay)
Anyone can buy a Dev account for $99.00 and they can then add 100 devices

8. How do I downgrade from Beta 4.0 to 3.X.X?

This is unknown yet. Update coming.

9. Does 4.0 Beta upgrade the baseband?

Yes. There are reports of 5.13.01 out in the wild. It’s possible future betas will further upgrade the baseband so no one will be working on an unlock until the final/official release.


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Posted: 09 April 2010 10:06 PM   [ # 32 ]
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Ukapirao sam i sam. Danas sam imao vremena pa sam pročtao sve što sam mogao naći na netu.
Znač:  Čekam leto za 4.0. Za sad ću samo podići sistem na 3.1.3.
Hvala svima na trudu i pomoći.



Posted: 09 April 2010 10:07 PM   [ # 33 ]
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e, je lć ima neko taj Dev account da i moj uredjaj doda na listu_ moj burazer ima iTouch 2G(8GB MC model) pa bi mnoooogo voleo da probam OS4, a ne bi da mi se nesto zezne, pad a posle ne mogu da koristim aparat :D

@leptir: ne dizi ga na 3.1.3, nije ti potrebno, a ako budes hteo da odradis Jailbrake(sto ti toplo preporucujem) neces moci

ja 4.0 hocu da stavim zato sto je drugaciji, a 3.1.3 se uopste ne razlikuje od 3.1.2

Post edited by: jova96, at: 2010/04/09 22:08


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Posted: 11 April 2010 03:18 AM   [ # 34 ]
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Šta vi koji ste stručniji kažete na ovo: http://whydoeseverythingsuck.com/2010/04/steve-jobs-has-just-gone-mad.html

Donekle sam razumeo… mislim gledao sam na ceo tekst kao na fajt dve kompanije… sada me zanima mišljenje nekog ‘‘programera’‘B)

Post edited by: RedRott, at: 2010/04/11 03:18


MacBook Pro 2.16 (2.2)

Posted: 11 April 2010 09:53 AM   [ # 35 ]
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RedRott wrote:

Šta vi koji ste stručniji kažete na ovo: http://whydoeseverythingsuck.com/2010/04/steve-jobs-has-just-gone-mad.html

Donekle sam razumeo… mislim gledao sam na ceo tekst kao na fajt dve kompanije… sada me zanima mišljenje nekog ‘‘programera’‘B)<br><br>Post edited by: RedRott, at: 2010/04/11 03:18

Imaš dobru raspavu kod komšija po tom pitanju i mislim da su došli do dobrih zaključaka, svidelo se to nama ili ne. Da ne prenosim tuđa mišljenja pročtaj sam.

Link rasprave:

Post edited by: leptir, at: 2010/04/11 09:53



Posted: 11 April 2010 01:26 PM   [ # 36 ]
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Imam iPhone 3G OS 3.0.1, pa cisto da pitam ima li uopste potrebe update-ovati ga?
I ako mi preporucujete update vazno mi je da mogu da ga jailbreak-ujem, da je moguce sa tom verzijom.


Posted: 11 April 2010 05:21 PM   [ # 37 ]
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@Marko - updateovati ga na cetvorku?,pa sacekaj da izadje…. a izaci ce i pwnage tool do tad

evo neki se vec zale da im 3g osjetno sporije radi sa 4.o
al do finalne verzije ce se vjerovatno dosta promjeniti

meni na telefonu veci multitasking od ovog koji imam uopste ne treba i mislio sam da se uopste ne petljam oko updatea vise,jer vec imam savrseno nastelovani telefon

ali sad vidjeh multiple mail klijent…i opciju da mozes otvoriti aplikaciju iz maila
a radi posla mi bas treba da jasno odvojim poslovni mail od privatnog…
pa se lomim….


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Posted: 11 April 2010 06:07 PM   [ # 38 ]
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ja sam skinuo- i instalirao betu, ali na ne srecu, nista ne moze dok nisi registrovao uredjaj… samo kad bi nasao nekog developera da mi registruje UDID, pa da odradim i domaci review ovog softvera…


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Posted: 11 April 2010 06:43 PM   [ # 39 ]
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bu2nin wrote:

@Marko - updateovati ga na cetvorku?,pa sacekaj da izadje…. a izaci ce i pwnage tool do tad

Nisam mislio na 4.0, vec na 3.1.3. To je valjda zadnja verzija za iPhone, s obzirom da me ne zanimaju beta verzije.

Posted: 11 April 2010 07:24 PM   [ # 40 ]
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ja imam 3.1.2 i radi odlicno al pod blacra1n-om

ne sjecam se ima li neke velike promjene sa 3.0 na 3.1,ali ako te ne zeza,ne diraj ga


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Posted: 11 April 2010 07:35 PM   [ # 41 ]
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Ja predjoh pre 2 nedelje sa 3.0 na 3.1.3 ali u suštini mogao sam i na 3.1.2, jer su u osnovi isti, i na 2G telefonu mi je baterija 3x povećala trajanje. Iste aplikacije su instalirane, i sa app store-a i sa cydie, i ne znam uopšte u čemu je caka, u svakom slučaju meni sad umesto 1-1,5 dan, traje ladno 4. Ništa hardverski diro nisam…


iPhone 13Pro

Posted: 11 April 2010 07:40 PM   [ # 42 ]
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vis ti to…4 dana…valjalo bi mi,menui traje 1ipo-2maksimalno.
a nov kupljen u Tcomu


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Posted: 11 April 2010 08:45 PM   [ # 43 ]
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Ja sam danas odradio update sa 3.1 na 3.1.3 samo zato što sam popizdeo jer se nagomilao broj aplikacija koje zahtevaju 3.1.2


Carnival of Flesh

Posted: 12 April 2010 12:18 AM   [ # 44 ]
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Dachaz wrote:

Ja sam danas odradio update sa 3.1 na 3.1.3 samo zato što sam popizdeo jer se nagomilao broj aplikacija koje zahtevaju 3.1.2

jest vala,katastrofa,
ne procitas dobro,updejtujes i onda kad ti bas bas treba aplikacija,pokrenes i pojavi se ono prozorce
this version support only iPhone onaj.sledeci OS

been there,done that


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Posted: 28 April 2010 09:44 PM   [ # 45 ]
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a sada nesto potpuno drugacije…

elem vijest je da je Apple kupio Siri tvorca popularne aplikacije za ajfon

Apple acquires Siri, developer of personal assistant app for iPhone

Mozda to implementiraju u 4.0


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