Apple updates Mac malware protection
Posted: 19 June 2010 05:02 PM
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Apple updates Mac malware protection

Researchers at Sophos discovered that Apple updated the anti-malware protection built-into Mac OS X when it released a new version earlier this week.

[img size=150][/img]
Mac OS X 10.6.4 has been updated to provide limited protection against OSX/Pinhead-B (called HellRTS by Apple); a backdoor Trojan which can allow remote hackers to gain control over Mac computers for the purposes of identity theft, spying and the distribution of spam.

This malware was distributed disguised as the iPhoto application by malicious hackers.

Sophos researchers discovered that Apple updated a file called XProtect.plist - the file that contains elementary signatures of a handful of Mac threats - to detect HellRTS.


Apple 4 life

Posted: 20 June 2010 01:09 PM   [ # 1 ]
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Joined  2006-11-24

Čitao sam o tome pre neki dan na TNW i izvrtala mi se džigerica.
Opalili paljbu što Apple nije na sva vrata pričao o tome kako je to urađeno, kako oni kriju istinu, kako smo mi puni virusa ‘ne kao Windows, ali ima! plašite se!’ i onda mi pokaže klip gde, ju, vidi, sam od sebe neki .dmg - jes’ da ga nisam tražio, ali uneću ja admin pass, mora da sam dobio na lotou. O, ne!


Carnival of Flesh

Posted: 20 June 2010 02:07 PM   [ # 2 ]
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Total Posts:  1786
Joined  2005-05-08

Dachaz wrote:

ju, vidi, sam od sebe neki .dmg - jes’ da ga nisam tražio, ali uneću ja admin pass, mora da sam dobio na lotou.

Gde mogu da nađem taj dmg i dobijem na lotou??:ohmy:


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