Napokon skinuo sam transmission,neku verziju koja radi na 10.4,ukljucim ga i stavim neki torrent ali se nista ne desava,pogledao sam pod opcijama settings,nista bitno nisam nasao sto bi blokiralo protok.
Pogledao sam TCP port,isti sam otvorio u ruteru ali opet bezuspesno.
Da li postoji nekakva blokada u samom Tiger-u koju bih trebao otkloniti,tipa firewall ili neceg slicnog…
Unapred zahvalan.
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
From the Apple menu, select System Preferences… . When the System Preferences window appears, from the View menu, select Sharing.
Click the Firewall tab.
Click the Start or Stop button to, respectively, activate or deactivate the firewall.
If you would like to enable some incoming connections, you can make exceptions to the firewall (e.g., if you would like to share your iTunes music collection or if you have a web page on your computer that you’d like others to see). To add exceptions, check the boxes for services you’d like to enable under the Services and Firewall tabs.
Because the firewall only blocks incoming connections from other computers, you usually won’t have to enable ports for services on other computers you wish to access. For example, you don’t have to allow Personal Web Sharing to access other web pages. There are exceptions to this rule, though, and if you find you are unable to access a specific kind of online service, try adding a firewall exception for it.
Note: If the port or service type you wish to offer is not in the list, click New… under the Firewall tab, and then select Other. You must know the port number of the service to add it.
Post edited by: ivanbg, at: 2010/08/26 15:54