when I first switched to Mac, but didn’t like the way it treated my two primary IMAP accounts differently. One would put all the folders under the Inbox folder, and the other kept all the folders outside the Inbox in a separate heirarchy. However, I just realized why, and now I think OS X Mail app might work for me.
I decided to try to live with the difference between the way the two IMAP accounts were handled, and give Mail.app a shot at handling junk mail. After a couple days, I rarely receive the same piece of junk mail twice. Only problem is I keep seeing the error “This message could not be saved” when editing a new message. I assumed that it was trying to auto-save a draft, but I haven’t been too concerned and was content to ignore the message a few times, not wanting to break the flow of whatever I was doing at the time. Then I noticed that my sent mail was not being saved. A quick search found a few references to this error in relation to the Cyrus IMAP server. The suggested fix is to set the “IMAP Path Prefix” in the Advanced tab under Accounts preference settings to “INBOX”. I wasn’t 100% sure the server was Cyrus, but gave it a shot.
Not only did this fix my error, but now my two IMAP accounts are handled the same in Mail.app. The top level Inbox has a subfolder for each IMAP account, as do the top level Drafts, Sent and Trash folders. All the other folders are under a separate top level folder for each account.
Ovo su biliisti simptomi i kod mene, i što se tiče nemogućnosti čuvanja poruka i različtog tretiranja dva IMAP naloga. Sad kad sam stavio INBOX kao IMAP Path Prefix, svi default folderi sadrže po dva podfoldera od svakog IMAP naloga, a tu su još 2 top foldera od oba naloga koji sadrže neke specifične podfoldere koji se vide i na serveru 😊
Sad mi se takođe čuvaju i Sent mailovi na server..i pre su, ali izgleda da zbog nekih promena u hosting kompaniji sve to nije radilo jedno vreme..uglavnom, sad sa ovim INBOX opet radi 😊
Hvala Miloše 😊