ICab 4.8???
Posted: 11 November 2010 01:14 PM
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Sta mislite o ovom web browseru….citajuci jednu recenziju sa komsiskog foruma,resih da ga probam ,i mogu reci da jako stabilno radi..ni jedno rusenje,i slicne boljke….ja mu dajem sansu ,par dana….
ako nekog zanima ,neka procita sta je lik napisao….


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Posted: 11 November 2010 03:30 PM   [ # 1 ]
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Pomenuh ga ja pre neki dan u onoj drugoj temi (Safari vs. Chrome). Ima sve sto Safari nema, formatiran Source u boji, prikaz svih likova na strani, Offline surf, Filter Manager, Cache browser (!!!!)...


I’m one of those old-fashioned people who believe that computers are supposed to make life less complex and more enjoyable

Posted: 11 November 2010 07:13 PM   [ # 2 ]
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el ga koristis…
el mozes da mi kazes,gde se podesava da pamti pasworde….ja mora ad sam chorav:)

Post edited by: amsterdamxxx, at: 2010/11/11 19:44


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Posted: 11 November 2010 07:51 PM   [ # 3 ]
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Moraces da mi pojasnis. :huh:  Logovan sam na tri sajta i pamti me.


I’m one of those old-fashioned people who believe that computers are supposed to make life less complex and more enjoyable

Posted: 11 November 2010 07:55 PM   [ # 4 ]
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pa ni na jednom sajtu ili forumu me ne pita da li zeli da zapamti pass….!!!
a u podesavanju programa ,nisam nasao stavku vezanu za to…


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Posted: 11 November 2010 08:16 PM   [ # 5 ]
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naso sam upustvo na zvanicnom sajtu:)
Can iCab automatically fill out my passwords, in login forms?
You can save ‘passwords’ in iCab as well. But because iCab should have not all the security issues of many other browsers in the autofill feature for forms (like some other popular browsers); iCab has a different approach, which is slightly less comfortable, but much more secure.
First of all, iCab saves nothing automatically. If you want to save a form of a web page, you can do this by using the menu ‘View > Save forms’. When filling out a form, you use the menu ‘View > Fill out forms’. The latter can be also done automatically if you check an option in the ‘forms manager’ (which is in the ‘Tools’ menu) in the tab ‘Special web sites’. Here yOu can configure iCab to fill out forms automatically with these data when entering a page.

Here you’ll also find all sites listed to where iCab has saved form data. You can even inspect and edit the form data iCab has saved. This can be useful or necessary for some forms which change all the time (because they use a ‘session ID’ or something like that). iCab is doing some strict tests before using the form data to fill out forms for security reasons, and a hidden session ID in the form data might prevent that iCab will fill out a form, because iCab will notice that the form is different. So replacing the ‘session ID’ in the form data by a ‘*’ (this wildcard character stands for any string) can help. Other browsers are much less strict here and therefore have some security issues and can reveal sensitive data like passwords to foreign web pages and ‘fake’ sites. I know that editing form data is nothing for non-experienced users, but otherwise using the less strict approach of the other browsers is much too risky.


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Posted: 11 November 2010 08:30 PM   [ # 6 ]
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jos jedno pitanje…napisao sam odgovor na jednom forumu,gde sa strane gde je moj avatar,ispod pise koji Os koristim i koji Browser…i sve sam to radio u ICab-u…
i ispod je pisalo..
Mac Os X..


MacBook Unibody 7.1
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Posted: 11 November 2010 09:27 PM   [ # 7 ]
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Sa ovo nisam obraćao pažnju. Ili da opet čtaš Help ili da ga u Identity namestiš da se odaziva kao iCab.

E, da, nije da ga koristim za surf al mi mnoooogo pomaže za probe html-a u offline modu a ako već sam njim idem na net, idem da snimim neku stranu u Web archive ZIP formatu jer onda dobijem slike i ostale zezalice na mestu gde su i na sajtu.


I’m one of those old-fashioned people who believe that computers are supposed to make life less complex and more enjoyable
