We’ve updated ultrasn0w to be compatible with iOS5, which came out a few days ago. While ultrasn0w 1.2.4 doesn’t add support for any new basebands, the update is required for any ultrasn0w unlockers trying out iOS5 (it remains backwards compatible though, so you should be able to use it no matter what firmware you have).
The supported basebands for the iPhone 3G and 3GS are 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04, and 06.15.00. The baseband supported for the iPhone4 is 01.59.00.
Remember, the only way to get to iOS5 while preserving your ultrasn0w-compatible baseband is by using a custom IPSW. redsdn0w now has the ability to create such a custom IPSW for you (at least on Macs…the same capability for Windows will be coming soon).
The majority of people who use ultrasn0w at iOS5 right now will probably be those with old-bootrom iPhone3GS devices, since they already have an untethered jailbreak via redsn0w. For everyone else, the iOS5 jailbreak is currently tethered and you need to “Just boot” tethered with redsn0w every time your phone reboots. That’s not always easy to do if your phone reboots while away from home!
Note: there’s a special “trick” that iPhone3GS owners with baseband 06.15 need for iOS5. During the new setup screens you see when you start iOS5 for the first time, you’ll be asked about Location Services. Be sure to select “Disable Location Services” when asked! Later on in the setup, you’ll have the chance to turn on Location Services again when asked if you want to use “Find my iPhone”. It’s fine to turn it back on at that point, if that’s your desire (or you can always go in and enable it in Settings.app).
Also, some iPhone3GS users with the 06.15 baseband may have tried to install iOS5 using a stock IPSW (even though you should never ever try to use a stock IPSW if you’re an ultrasn0w unlocker). If you did try this, your baseband is probably in an inconsistent state, and you’ll need to reflash the 06.15 baseband again (using redsn0w). Be very careful if you use redsn0w to reflash the iPad baseband — don’t interrupt the process1 And please avoid using stock IPSWs in the future Unlockers should never go near stock IPSWs.
If you need to use redsn0w for any of the above tasks, please make sure it’s version 0.9.9b4 or higher, which is available here.
Here’s what to take away from this update on ultrasn0w:
The supported basebands for the iPhone 3G/3GS are 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04, and 06.15.00
The baseband supported for the iPhone 4 is 01.59.00
The only way to get to iOS 5 while preserving the ultrasn0w-compatible baseband is by using a custom IPSW (redsn0w 0.9.9b5 currently only supports Mac (Windows coming soon - Windows users use sn0wbreeze v2.8 beta 8 at this time)
The iOS 5 jailbreak is still tethered except for iPhone 3GS old bootrom users
iPhone 3GS users with the baseband 06.15.00 need to make sure to do the special trick as mentioned in the post
Unlockers should never go near stock IPSWS
NOTE: This ultrasn0w update only supports existing basebands. There is no new unlock at this time.
Takođe, što je sigurno-sigurno je, evo upravo večeras mi se totalno neplanirano istrošila baterija, i naravno fon se ugasio, a da pored fona secam i laptop-nema šanse… :D
Do duše, nisu svi uređaji u igri, ali pretpostavljam da su ljudi sa 4s-om i iPad 2 u manjini u odnosu na nas ostale :D
Inače, probao sam na 3gs-u 5.0.1 pre neki dan, imao ga par dana, nikakavih problema nisam imao, sistem lepo klizi, iako je osetno veći od četvorke, ima vazda novina koje su dobrodošle, međutim, par stvari koje su mi bile neophodne su zahtevale JB, plus igo nije radila na petici, što mi je isto tako bitno jer često putujem. Vratio sam se na 4.3.3 zbog ovih gore pomenutih razloga, ali petica kao sistem savršeno radi na 3gs-u iako je već matora mašina… 😊
Treba ipak sacekati malo na potvrde i utiske zajednice i renomiranijih clanova JB zajednice.
Moje iskustvo sa prelaskom sa 4.3.5 na 5.0.1 na iPhone 4 i sa 4.3.3 na 5.0.1 na 3GS , lepo radi sve, ali je trajanje baterije do 30% krace za sad. Nisam uspeo uraditi na 3GS simfree JB sa Ac1dSn0w-om iako je lako proslo na 5.0.1 na nekoliko 4-ki. Probao i sa beta i novom verzijom, jednostavno nema Cidije, iako sve prodje ok po log-u.
Ja sam radio JB probe radi pre par dana, i prošao je, do duše, tethered, jer mi je telefon, nećeš verovati 44 nedelja 2009. Po upustvu, do 40te je stari iBoot, i tu redsn0w_mac_0.9.9b8 radi na 3gs-u untethered, od 45 pa noviji radi samo tethered. Ja sam po verziji iBoot-a provalio da mi je telefon novije verzije, i zbog toga radio samo tethered, koji je radio bez problema. Ako ti je 3gs i dalje pri ruci, pusti iTunes da update-uje na 5.0.1 normalno, onda pokreni redsn0w_mac_0.9.9b8, idi na extras, pod Select IPSW daj mu 5.0 koji ćeš skinuti sa iClarified sajta, kad ga identifikuje, pita te da li ti je telefon noviji ili stariji, to izabereš ono što imaš, vratiš se nazad i samo klikneš na jailbreak. Tethered znaš šta je, i telefon pokrećeš preko istog ovog redsnow-a 😊
Upravo sam sada procitao da je izvestni pod2g resio Jailbreak iOS-a 5.0.1 za sve uredjaje osim za iPhone 4s i iPad 2… tako da verujem ce uskoro da se pojavi spreman alat za 100% UNtethered jailbreak! 😊
To je neko ovde kačo link prema YT klipu gde kao radi untethered JB.
Lično mislim da je vaporware jer se nešto ne sećam da je iko od ovih pravih JB autora tako najavljivao.
Najavljen je za vikend untethered jb sa novim redsn0wom.
Takodje je najavljen i ultrasn0w koji ce nove basebandove da otkljucava.
Pored svega toga, neko od njih (cini mi se ih8sn0w) je najavio da radi na jb za nove procesore (4s i ipad2)