I drive a Honda Accord. It’s a 2006 model. If Apple wants to keep the same names for its products each year like car companies do, adding a year to the product name seems like a fine approach. I always know which wipers to get for my 2006 Accord. I think the average consumer ought to know which case fits their iPad, too; making them instead rely on distinctions like third-generation—that aren’t in the official product names, or printed on the devices themselves—just makes things harder.
iz MacWorld clanka o novom iPadu.
Uostalom,ni macbook ni ipod linije nemaju neke posebne oznake na proizvodu.
Znamo ih po model identifier,broju generacije i nekim oznakama koje se pojavljuju na opisu proizvoda-classic,nano,unybody….
Post edited by: bu2nin, at: 2012/03/09 14:05