SCOtutor for Mac (Free)
Posted: 28 April 2012 12:04 PM
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  124
Joined  2008-08-12

This is Don from ScreenCastsOnline, with a quick update and some news. I’m trying something different and I’d be really grateful for your assistance.
As you probably know, I’ve created a number of SCOtutor apps on the Mac and iOS app stores. Primarily, the idea was to make some of the tutorials available to a wider audience to try and promote ScreenCastsOnline, and perhaps pick up some extra members along the way.

As a bit of an experiment, I’ve decided to make the SCOtutor for Mac application free to download for a limited time on both the Mac and iOS app stores.

This is the tutorial app aimed at new Mac users, and is designed to bring them up to speed with using a Mac from scratch.

It’s now available for free to everyone.

Can I ask a number of favours from you (or just the first one) ....

Download a copy of SCOtutor for Mac for yourself from both the Mac and iOS app stores - there is a Mac app and a Universal app that runs on all iOS 5 devices - iPhone/iPad and iPod touch. You may not have purchased any of the SCOtutor titles so you may be interested to see how the app works, and it will also give you an idea of the type of content, the chapter structure, etc.

Once you’ve had chance to check it out, leave a rating for SCOtutor for Mac (or preferably a review on the Mac or iTunes store).

If enough people download it, and the reviews are good, it may just bubble up to the top of the charts where more people will see it. As well as promoting ScreenCastsOnline, I genuinely believe it well help a lot of Mac users - not just new Mac users, but experienced ones as well.

Send the links below to all your Mac friends, or just forward this email to them. The app is the real deal and is the full content. There’s a lot of information in the tutorial - it runs for 150 minutes!

Copy the links to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, your blog…. Well you get the drill.

The links are:

SCOtutor for Mac Webpage

Direct Link to Mac Version on the Mac App Store

Direct link to Universal App on the iTunes App Store (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch compatible

I hope this hasn’t interrupted your weekend too much, and I hope you can help out, even if it’s just downloading the app yourself.



ScreenCastsOnline, PO Box 207, Knowsley, PRESCOT L34 0WU



Posted: 28 April 2012 07:56 PM   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  73
Joined  2010-04-13

Hvala na obavestenju 😉

Koji su cigani moram da imam bar Lion da bih mogao je instaliram. A ja imam Snow. Sva sreca pa sam je skinuo za iPhone.

Posted: 29 April 2012 11:38 AM   [ # 2 ]
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  124
Joined  2008-08-12

Just wanted to extend a huge thanks to everyone who acted on my email yesterday about the SCOtutor for Mac app being made free.

As of this morning, it’s the #1 Free Education App in the US and UK Mac App Store!

Not only that but it’s also at #13 and #8 in the Top Free Apps overall.


Not doing as well on the iTunes App Stores but that’s due to the huge number of iOS apps on the store.

Still, it’s a respectable #51 in the UK Free Education Apps and #75 in the US

So thanks again for the downloads and the ratings and reviews left on the App stores - I really appreciate it

As far as the apology is concerned, I forgot to mention that the SCOtutor Mac Apps only run on Lion - OSX 10.7. It was an oversight on my part and I should have mentioned it in the email, it would have saved some of you wasted time and some frustration.


The SCOtutor Apps are only available for Lion as they are built on some Lion only APIs that made it possible to included the subtitles and some more advanced features. It also made it easier to port over to iOS.

The only saving grace is if you have an iPhone or iPad. The iOS version will run on these devices and is also free. In some ways, it’s better to have the App on your iPad and watch on your iPad whilst following along on your Mac.

So thanks again for your efforts in downloading and reviewing. It’s too early to see if it makes much difference in the sales of the other apps or if it generates more members, but the overall effect can only be positive.

I’ll include the links again below to use yourself, or to forward on to other people.





Posted: 01 May 2012 08:28 PM   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  73
Joined  2010-04-13

Moram da napomenem da je ova aplikacija u fazonu, bas ako niste nikad u zivotu seli za komp.

Za ostale, nista pametno necete pronaci 😉
