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September 2012 Event
Posted: 12 September 2012 08:28 PM   [ # 61 ]
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[img size=480]http://d35lb3dl296zwu.cloudfront.net/uploads/photo/image/8373/iPhone5_0954.jpg[/img]


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 12 September 2012 08:29 PM   [ # 62 ]
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Tim polako sumira stvari, to je to što se ovog eventa tiče.


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Posted: 12 September 2012 08:33 PM   [ # 63 ]
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Ajfon 5 je opravdao moja očekivanja, mislim da će njegova tankoća od 7.6 milimetara ostaviti sve bez daha :ohmy:


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 12 September 2012 08:33 PM   [ # 64 ]
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Ceo tok eventa onako kako su ga pratili na MacDailyNewsu:

• Cook on stage playing iPod ad…

• New iPods available in “October.”
• iPod touch (5G): 32GB $299, 64GB $399
• iPod touch (4G): 32GB $199, 64GB $249
• iPod nano: 16GB US$149
• iPod shuffle: 2GB $49

• EarPods available today
• EarPods should sound significantly better than the now-old Apple Earphones
• Introducing the all-new Apple EarPods. 3 years to design – as leaked earlier

• iPod touch (and the iPod touch Loops) come in aluminum, black, blue, yellow and red
• iPod touch loop. Camera strap for iPod touch. Rival point and shoot cameras
• iPod touch gets new iSight camera: 5 megapixel, backside illuminated, f/2.4, 5-element sapphire lens with panorama feature

• 2:26PM EDT: AAPL $665.00, -$4.41, -0.67%

• Game demo…
• A5 dual-core processor, 2x faster CPU, 7x faster graphics than previous iPod touch
• Same Retina display as iPhone 5
• Brushed aluminum back
• 88 grams
• 6.1 mm
• Moving onto the new iPod touch…

• Bluetooth
• Lightning connector
• Widescreen movies
• Built-in pedometer
• FM tuner with pause capability
• 5.4mm, 38% thinner than previous iPod nano
• Much bigger 2.5-inch display
• iPod nano (7th generation) “It’s by far the best nano we’ve ever created.”
• iPod nano reinvented (again)
• Apple has sold over 350 million iPods to date

• The new iTunes is “dramatically simplified” and comes in “October.”
• Movies pick up where you left off as you switch between iOS devices, Macs, PCs
• iCould integration: “We’ve built iCloud right into iTunes.”
• New iTunes Store design coming to desktop, too
• 200 million iTunes in the Cloud users
• iTunes Store redesign comes with iOS 6
• 66% of downloads from iOS devices
• 435 million iTunes accounts now
• 26 million songs now in iTunes Store library, 20 billion songs purchased since launch
• Eddy Cue takes stage

• iOS 6 release: September 19
• iPhone 5 pre-orders: Friday the 14th. Ship September 21st in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore

• iPhone 4 with 2-year contract: Free
• iPhone 4S with 2-year contract: US$99
• iPhone 5 pricing with 2-year contract: US$199 for 16GB. $299 for 32GB, $399 for 64GB

• 1:56PM EDT: AAPL $665.14, -$4.55, -0.69%

• By making the screen taller, but not wider, you can still use it comfortably with one hand.
• Jony Ive: “We take changing the iPhone really seriously.”
• iPhone 5 video (Jony Ive, etc.)
• White has alum color back, Black is black anodized alum
• iPhone 5 comes in black and white versions
• Phil Schiller back on stage

• Impressive Siri demo continues…
• Demoing Siri improvements…
• Photo Stream sharing: Subscribe to other peoples’ Photo Streams
• Passbook demo…
• iOS Mail with VIP feature
• Safari with new full-screen view

• 1:43PM EDT: AAPL $668.05, -$7.46, -1.13%

• Forstall: “We’ve also got great satellite imagery.”
• Built-in turn-by-turn demo…
• Scott Forstall on stage showing off new Apple Maps on new iPhone 5 with iOS 6
• Moving to iOS 6

• Slew of new accessories and adapters…
• All digital, 8-signal design, adaptive interface, reversible (easier to use); 80% smaller
• New one is called “Lightning.”
• Old one appeared in 2003. Nine years old
• New Dock Connector…

• HD voice on 20 carriers
• Much improved speakers with “wideband audio”
• iPhone 5 has 3 microphones: Front, bottom, back
• Front-facing camera now 720p, backside illumination
• Video 1080p, improved image stabilization, face detection, take photos while recording video
• Panorama feature now built-in
• Camera: 8 megapixels (3264×2448) with dynamic low light mode, next-gen ISP, much faster capture, f/2.4 aperture, sapphire lens

• Battery life:
- 3G talk – 8 hrs.
- 3G browsing – 8 hrs.
- LTE browsing – 8 hrs.
- Wi-Fi browsing – 10 hrs.
- Video 10 hrs.
- Music – 40 hrs.
- Standby – 225 hrs.

• EA demo: car racing game – head-to-head via Game Center, can se other cars in rear view mirrors – huge graphics improvements

• 1:25PM EDT: AAPL $660.39, +$0.20, +0.03%

• EA Studios game demo…

• 22% smaller than A5 processor
• Everything much faster
• Apple A6 processor: 2X faster CPU, 2X faster graphics
• Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n, dual-channel, up to 150Mbps

• Canada, Asia, Australia, Europe…
• Sprint, AT&T, Verizon in U.S.
• 4G LTE: Single Chip, Single Radio, Dynamic Antenna
• in-cell
• 44% better color saturation

• iWork apps upgraded, iMovie, GarageBand upgraded for new display
• Schiller touts one-handed operation: “As you carry your phone it should fit beautifully in your hand.”
• 1136 x 640, 326 ppi
• 4&#8243; diagonal Retina display
• 112 grams, 20% lighter than 4S
• 7.6mm, 18% thinner than iPhone 4S
• Schiller: “It’s made entirely of glass and aluminum.”
• iPhone 5: Leaks were right – taller, two-tone metal back…
• Let’s talk iPhone! Phil Schiller takes stage…

• 400 million iOS devices sold through June 2012
• 250,000 iPad apps currently
• App Store: 700,000 apps now

• Almost all of the Fortune 500 are testing or deploying iPad; investing in custom iOS apps
• iPad accounts for 91% of all the web traffic from tablets
• iPad went from 62% share of tablet market in April-Jun 2011 to 68% in April-June 2012
• Cook: “We are in a post-PC world.”
• 17 million iPad units sold last quarter – more than any PC manufacturer sold of their entire PC line
• Cook: MacBook Pro with Retina display is the best Mac we’ve ever made.
• 7 million copies of OS X Mountain Lion sold since launch

• 83 million visitors to stores last year
• 12 countries, Sweden willmake 13 soon
• 380 Apple Retail Stores now open
• Cook: “”Our stores offer the best buying experience and the best customer service on the planet.”
• Cook: “It’s the perfect place to explore and discover Apple’s products.”
• Video of Apple Retail Stores being shown…
• Cook showing off Apple Store Barcelona
• Tim Cook takes stage: “Thank you for coming this morning. We’ve got some really cool stuff to show you.”

Read more at http://macdailynews.com/2012/09/12/macdailynews-presents-live-coverage-of-apples-september-12th-special-event/#dJkCr4fFrtC2Y7j8.99


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Posted: 12 September 2012 08:35 PM   [ # 65 ]
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Ajpod tač je opasna konkurencija svih ovih tableta do 7 inča. O njegovoj taknoći neću ni da komentarišem dok ne vidim uživo 😊


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 12 September 2012 08:37 PM   [ # 66 ]
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Darko Selaković wrote:

Ajpod tač je opasna konkurencija svih ovih tableta do 7 inča. O njegovoj taknoći neću ni da komentarišem dok ne vidim uživo 😊

Ne znam, mislim da tu ima mesta i za iPad od 7,85’ koji se pominje.


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Posted: 12 September 2012 08:39 PM   [ # 67 ]
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ODUŠEVLJEN Engadgetovim livestream-om.
Mislim, tehnički.

Što se samog eventa tiče - standardno ‘meh’ uz nekoliko ‘wtf’ i želju da vidim ovo čudo uživo, jer mi je na nekoliko fotaka izgledao kao daljinski za televizor.


Carnival of Flesh

Posted: 12 September 2012 08:39 PM   [ # 68 ]
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madamov wrote:

Darko Selaković wrote:

Ajpod tač je opasna konkurencija svih ovih tableta do 7 inča. O njegovoj taknoći neću ni da komentarišem dok ne vidim uživo 😊

Ne znam, mislim da tu ima mesta i za iPad od 7,85’ koji se pominje.

Da, ali po kojoj ceni, šuškalo se da će biti 250-300 dolara… nisam pametan šta su smislili sa Ajpded nano :unsure:


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 12 September 2012 08:42 PM   [ # 69 ]
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Darko Selaković wrote:

Da, ali po kojoj ceni, šuškalo se da će biti 250-300 dolara… nisam pametan šta su smislili sa Ajpded nano :unsure:

Da se uvale i u taj deo tržišta, neće da dozvole Googlu i Amazonu da ‘žive’ od toga. I biće iPad mini, garant, a ne nano. B)

Foo FIghters sviraju i drugu stvar trenutno.


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Posted: 12 September 2012 08:42 PM   [ # 70 ]
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madamov wrote:

Foo FIghters sviraju i drugu stvar trenutno.

A započnju i treću.


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Posted: 12 September 2012 08:43 PM   [ # 71 ]
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Meni je zanimljiv podatak da je za manje od 2 meseca preuzeto 7 miliona planinskog lava.

Ajped je porastao na tržištu sa 62 na 68 procenata i zauzima 91 procenat internet protoka :woohoo:

Tim Cook: ‘I don’t know what these other tablets are doing,’ Cook said. ‘They must be in warehouses or store shelves.’


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 12 September 2012 08:48 PM   [ # 72 ]
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madamov wrote:

Darko Selaković wrote:

Da, ali po kojoj ceni, šuškalo se da će biti 250-300 dolara… nisam pametan šta su smislili sa Ajpded nano :unsure:

Da se uvale i u taj deo tržišta, neće da dozvole Googlu i Amazonu da ‘žive’ od toga. I biće iPad mini, garant, a ne nano. B)

Šta misliš da Ajpedu 2 smanje cenu?


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 12 September 2012 08:50 PM   [ # 73 ]
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Darko Selaković wrote:

Šta misliš da Ajpedu 2 smanje cenu?

Ili da ga skroz izbace. Ili da bude ista cena: iPad mini 7,85’ Retina i iPad2. Videćemo. Jedno je sigurno, moraju to da uglave u sledećih mesec dana ako hoće da stignu da im bude spremno za praznike.


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Posted: 12 September 2012 08:51 PM   [ # 74 ]
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Ažuriran sajt… navalite:


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 12 September 2012 08:52 PM   [ # 75 ]
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madamov wrote:

madamov wrote:

Foo FIghters sviraju i drugu stvar trenutno.

A započnju i treću.

I posle toga je Tom Kuk zatvorio event.


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