madamov wrote:
Je li to mene oč varaju, ili Ameri još nemaju sim free iPhone 5?
Koliko ja vidim sto se kupovine sim free iPhone-a tice u Americi bitna je sledeca recenica u fusnoti
‘For those who are not qualified customers, are not eligible for an early upgrade, are purchasing an unlocked iPhone (for supported GSM wireless service provider networks only); or wish to buy an iPhone as a gift, see your carrier, an Apple Retail Store Specialist, the Apple Online Store, or an Apple Authorized Reseller for pricing.’
gde te Apple na fin nacin upucuje da svratis do neke od zvanicnih radnji i kupis isti sa napomenom da hoces sim free, pa ga platis po odgovarajucoj ceni.
Trenutno iPhone 5 ne nude preko Apple Online Store kao sim free, sto je ista situacija ko i sa iPhone 4s, kada je on-line prodaja istog pocela, tek nekih mesec/dva kasnije kada se smanjila navala, u on-line prodavnici se pojavio link za kupovinu sim free telefona.
Sto se Evrope tice u Apple radnjam se iskljucivo i prodaju sim free telefoni, a objasnjenje o istom je sledece
‘The unlocked iPhone includes all the features of iPhone but without a contract commitment. You can activate and use it on the supported GSM wireless network of your choice. The unlocked iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 will not work with CDMA-based carriers. An unlocked iPhone 5 may not support LTE networks in all other countries; contact service providers for details.
If you don’t want a multi-year service contract or if you prefer to use a local carrier when travelling abroad, the unlocked iPhone is the best choice. You can buy the unlocked iPhone at the Apple Online Store without a SIM or add a Pay as you go starter pack from one of the available carriers (Pay as you go starter packs are currently not available for the iPhone 5). If you choose not to add a Pay as you go starter pack, you’ll need an active SIM card from any supported GSM carrier worldwide. To start using it, simply insert the SIM card into the slot on your iPhone and turn it on by pressing and holding the On/Off button for a few seconds. Then follow the onscreen instructions to set up your iPhone.’
Post edited by: vboki, at: 2012/09/22 11:23