AirFlow-jos jedan odlican igrac za AppleTv i CCast
Posted: 16 January 2016 12:12 AM
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  1362
Joined  2008-06-03

pored pomenutog Beamer-a,koji nije free…evo jednog odlicnog Besplatnog resenja za slanje videa sa titlovima na AppleTV ili ChromeCast(trenutno imam samo CC,ali verujem da radi i sa ATV)
Minimum OSX 10.8+

Windows/Mac: We’ve seen a variety of options for sending video from your computer to your Chromecast with Chrome or even the command line, but if you’re looking for more of an all-in-one solution, Airflow’s an app that’ll send just about any video to Chromecast or Apple TV from your Windows or Mac computer.

After opening up Airflow, you just need to drop in a video file, select the device you want to send it off to, and it’ll start playing within a few seconds. It supports a variety of video types, subtitles, and even scrubbing with a handy preview. It seems like a small, pet project that doesn’t have a ton documentation, but it’s easy enough to use and is free (at least as long as its in beta).



MacBook Unibody 7.1
MacPro 2x2.66 Ghz Dual Core Intel Xeon..
i par Android igracki…...
