... ili shta se pisalo na MacRumours forumu kada je Apple najavio svoj novi proizvod - iPod!
I still can’t believe this! All this hype for something so ridiculous! Who cares about an MP3 player? I want something new! I want them to think differently! Why oh why would they do this?! It’s so wrong! It’s so stupid!
There are already two products similar to this on the market. The Nomad Jukebox and the Archos Jukebox which can come with a 20 gig HD. The iPod is obviously alot cooler and has firewire, but it is far from revolutionary. I for one am disappointed and think that apple is making a mistake by trying to get into this market.
Dobro je kao podsetnik zashto ne treba chitati ovakve forume, sve sam struchnjak do struchnjaka :]