LaMar wrote:
Evo posle uspesnog update-a mogu reci da i dalje sve radi sporije nego na 1.1.4 (osim igrica naravno 😊 ) ali vise ne funkcionise metoda zamene dva fajla zarad prepoznavanja nasih brojeva (taj problem imaju samo korisnici Telenor mreze). Jos vece razocarenje sam doziveo kad sam u podrsci za CallerID Fix video da u listi 80 podrzanih zemalja sa njihove strane, ima i Crne Gore i svake rupe u svetu ali od Srbije nista. Ostaje samo da se saceka neki koder iz Srbije da sredi stvar.
‘About CALLER ID issue with 2.2 :
I had a problem till 15 mins ago. At 2.1 I had PhoneNumberTemplates.plist
and UIMobileCountryCodes.plist modded for many countries. For my country (Serbia) too. At 2.2 - didn’t work!
BEFORE ‘shift+restore’ to 2.2:
Copy 3 files:
1. PhoneNumberTemplates.plist
2. AppSupport
(from /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSupport.framework)
3. UIMobileCountryCodes.plist
(from /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/PhoneFormats)
FROM UR 2.1 WORKING firmware and save somewhere… desktop is fine…
do the magic with 2.2.
first thing (PUSH OFF!!!) - it can stack… don’t know why…
then copy those saved files to the same locations OVER existing files.
then you can (if you need) push ON.
Thats all. Working like a Rols…
Glad if I helped.’