Reconnectovati Telekomov Huawei HG510 Modem
Posted: 27 December 2008 09:29 PM
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  421
Joined  2008-05-26

ja se ubih,ovo cudo ne moze da se rekonektuje (osim da ga iskljucim/ukljucim,ali to ne zelim)
pokusavao sam na milion nacina,ali nece….
onda nadjem negde ovo
e,sad,nemogu da ga nateram da radi… (taj .exe mislim da nije potreban)
ovako ide komanda

WAIT ‘Login’
SEND ‘admin\n’
WAIT ‘Password’
SEND ‘ztonpk\n’
WAIT ‘>’
SEND ‘ppp config 0.8.35 1 down\n’
WAIT ‘>’
SEND ‘ppp config 0.8.35 1 up\n’
WAIT ‘>’

da li bi iko mogao malo da mi pomogne,jer zelim da nateram jDownloader da reconnectuje,i tako povecam brzinu skidanja za oko 300%
hvala !

Posted: 03 June 2009 05:24 PM   [ # 1 ]
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Total Posts:  421
Joined  2008-05-26

da ne pravim novu temu,odlucih da ozivim staru…ako nema problema…
jel zna iko kako da se ovo rekonektuje…
pokusavam da skinem nesto pomocu jdownloadera,i ubih se ko konj…

imam 4 nacina:

live header/curl
clr script

e sad na ovaj prvi imam ponudjeno da biram ruter,i ja izaberem ovaj svoj,on odma postavi neku skriptu dole,ili sta god da je…
ali nece…prvi put je htelo,od tad nece…

ova druga tri nacina nisam ni pokusavao…

takodje,od kad sam pokusao ovo,nece ni da mi otvori ruter ip adresu…
ja idem na,ali nece..
i ne moze da mi nadje ruter preko jdownloadera (a ima dugme ‘fetch router ip’)

Posted: 25 June 2009 09:50 PM   [ # 2 ]
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Total Posts:  109
Joined  2009-01-24

Meni jdownloader super shljaka(na telekomu sam i imam gore spomenuti rooter)...eventualno izbaguje kada na svakih 5-10 minuta mora da restartuje rooter i to retko, ali inache sljaka kao sat.
Ako nesto znachi, evo skripte:
1.Ova skripta je pod:
Configuration->Reconnect method->LiveHeadre/Curl

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: %%%routerip%%%
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=‘Home Gateway’
GET /rebootinfo.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: %%%routerip%%%
Referer: http://%%%routerip%%%/rebootinfo.cgi
Authorization: Basic %%%basicauth%%%



2.Ova druga je pod:
Configuration->Reconnect method->CLR Script



<CryptLoad><Router name=‘Huawei HG510 Telekom Srbija’ /><Command method=‘Auth’ action=’’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=’’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=’’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘logo.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘menu.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘info.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘footer.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘status.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘info.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘backupsettings.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘diag.cmd’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘diagpppoe.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘backupsettings.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘resetrouter.html’ /><Command method=‘GET’ action=‘rebootinfo.cgi’ /></CryptLoad>

Probajte samo copy/paste varijantu, bash me zanima da li ce uspeti da sljaka ostalima sa Telekomovim Huawei HG510 ruterom.

Posted: 06 July 2009 01:59 PM   [ # 3 ]
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  421
Joined  2008-05-26

ja cu tebe da ozenim….

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Hvala mnogo,karmica za tebe…pokusao sam ovu prvu varijantu,i sljaka !!!!
