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Bad taste..
Posted: 20 September 2006 01:51 AM
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‘The only problem with Micro$oft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste… and I don’t mean that in a small way, I mean that in a big way - in the sense that they don’t think of original ideas, and they don’t bring much culture into their product.’

Steve Jobs 1996
PBS documentary Triumph of the Nerds


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


Posted: 20 September 2006 05:42 PM   [ # 1 ]
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Ja sam upravo jutros razmisljao kako je Gates izuzetno pametan cova, ali i da je vrlo rigidan, a da je Jobs originalan i ‘open minded’ jer se, izmedju ostalog bavio i recimo kaligrafijom 😊
Ja, inace predajem grupu predmeta na grafickom odseku Umetnicke skole, pa i pismo, izmedjuostalog te mi je bilo jako drago da saznam da je Steve Jobs design freak i da je samim tim cool ))


Mac Pro 5

Posted: 20 September 2006 06:35 PM   [ # 2 ]
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Još jedan primer lošeg ukusa, ali zbog kopiranja: http://macdailynews.com/index.php/weblog/comments/10993/


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Posted: 20 September 2006 11:24 PM   [ # 3 ]
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Dakle ovo je prevrshilo svaku meru…Nikad vishe nijedan sony proizvod nece preci moj prag…Bruka!


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


Posted: 21 September 2006 06:08 PM   [ # 4 ]
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ne bih bio tako na kraj srca. ja imam Sony R1 (doduse uzeo sam ga zobg Carl Zeiss optike) i ako nekog zanima mogu mu poslati fajlove… uopste nije za bacanje 😊


Mac Pro 5

Posted: 22 September 2006 03:07 AM   [ # 5 ]
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hehehehehehehehe…Dakle checkirajte ovo:

Zune:// The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

A evo i slika braon Zuneta:


XI ovo zovu iPod killer???

Dakle dosta je ruzan, morali bi da se slozimo…


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


Posted: 22 September 2006 03:18 AM   [ # 6 ]
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‘If you put Microsoft and the truth in the same room, you’d achieve a matter/anti-matter explosion.’


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


Posted: 22 September 2006 10:34 AM   [ # 7 ]
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SERBIAN wrote:

Dakle dosta je ruzan, morali bi da se slozimo…

Ružan do praga izdržljivosti. B)


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Posted: 22 September 2006 10:47 AM   [ # 8 ]
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Sa http://www.startribune.com/804/story/689238.html:

There’s also a pink version to match the popular pink RAZR, because Apple is not stupid. Pink moves the merch. Microsoft, however, is ready to strike back. Pictures of the new Zune Mp3 player have been released. There’s a white model and a black model, just like the iPod, but the Zune has a third color to complete with the Nano’s bright metallic hues.


They say the Zune’s an iPod killer. It’s all clear now: It’s going to bore it to death.

B) B) B)


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Posted: 22 September 2006 07:19 PM   [ # 9 ]
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Šta tek reći za Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Microsoft-Zune-Portable-Media-Player/dp/B000IJIMCQ/%3Cbr%20/%3Esr=8-2/qid=1158916556/ref=sr_1_2/202-5432953-0757465?ie=UTF8&s=electronics

Microsoft Zune - Portable Media Player
by Apple Computer
B) B)

Prikačujem PDF ako u međuvremenu isprave grešku. B)

Nešto ne ide sa PDF-om, da probam JPEG:  [file]

Post edited by: madamov, at: 2006/09/22 19:47


ACSP 10.10 - ACSP 10.9 - ACA 10.8 Mac Management - ACSP 10.8 -  ACSP 10.7 - ACSA 10.6

Posted: 22 September 2006 08:06 PM   [ # 10 ]
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Ispravishe kerovi…A taman sam ‘teo da ih napljujem kao verna mushterija…Zamalo zena da mi ostane bez gomile knjiga.. 😊


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


Posted: 22 September 2006 08:19 PM   [ # 11 ]
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Ispraviše, a mene zeza uplaod slike. Zato ima taj deo slike na MacDailyNewsu: http://macdailynews.com/index.php/weblog/comments/11031/.


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Posted: 22 September 2006 11:59 PM   [ # 12 ]
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Joj, što je ono ružno. Bilo bi me sramota da ‘to’ držim u ruci. Ustvari, mnogo bi lepo stajalo ridžama po autobusima da ‘to’ nose. Onako znojavi i agresivni, blokče i slušaju sa ‘to’, npr., DJ krmka.
Sad se ozbiljno pitam jel’ ima neko normalan, sa ukusom i zdravim očma zaposlen u tom micro$oft-u? Mislim, stvarno!

Posted: 23 September 2006 12:59 AM   [ # 13 ]
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Ide lepo uz braon odelo i plavu kosulju…hehehehehehe…

A sad neshto najsmeshnije vezano za Zune:


‘Boswell reports, ‘A Microsoft spokeswoman in Montreal told CanWest News Service that ‘it was pointed out to us’ during focus groups in the province that the proposed brand name sounded much like a French-Canadian term used as a euphemism for penis or vagina.’

‘Similarly, last week, The Inquirer’s Nick Farrell reported, ‘Microsoft Marketers are having a hell of a job establishing the super soaraway operating system in the pecking order in Latvia. Apparently, whenever they ring up peddling Vista, Latvians burst out laughing because the name means ‘chicken.’

‘MacDailyNews Take: It almost - almost - goes without saying that the first unlucky soul who buys a Zune then plugs and prays it into his Windows Vista PC causing its inevitable crash will give a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘choking the chicken.’


Post edited by: SERBIAN, at: 2006/09/23 01:09


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


Posted: 26 September 2006 12:19 AM   [ # 14 ]
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Podseti me na onu sliku gde je Sony-jev direktor predstavio novi player (tad još nije mogao da pušta MP3); naravno ubicu iPod-a, i teatralno ga pokazao spremnim novinarima i foto reporterima NAOPAKO!

Post edited by: Darko Selaković, at: 2006/12/13 22:25


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

Posted: 15 November 2006 07:14 PM   [ # 15 ]
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Zune na CNN-u

Zadnja rechenica voditelja /zavrshni komentar/ ubija - ‘Why don’t they get some decent design people…?’

A i drugarica voditeljka im ‘zakuca exere na sanduk’ sa malim iPod Shuffle-om…


\"The defining characteristic of Windows users is that they have an incredible ability to put up with any crap that is shoved in front of them.\"


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