TransMac…ili rezanje Mac-a pod win XP
Posted: 06 July 2009 10:46 PM
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  1362
Joined  2008-06-03

Znam da je mozda glupo da windowsov program turam ovde,ali sigurno ima ljudi koji zbog nekih razloga ne mogu da prze mac instalacije na svojim macovima…
evo resenja…Read and write Mac format disks, CDs, DVDs, high density floppies and disk images (dmg and sparseimage).
Supports standard HFS (Mac OS Standard); HFS+ (Mac OS Extended) and HFSX (with case sensitive file names) volumes.
Access Mac volumes on boot drive (like Boot Camp).
Create, read and write Mac disk images (dmg and sparseimage).
Compress and expand (convert to iso) dmg files.
Built in burner software to create Mac format CDs and DVDs (including dual-layer).
Burn ISO and dmg files to CD/DVD.
Format disks for use on Mac.
Read Mac multisession and hybrid CDs.
p.s nije free….kobajagi:evil: :evil: :evil:


MacBook Unibody 7.1
MacPro 2x2.66 Ghz Dual Core Intel Xeon..
i par Android igracki…...
