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Pregledanje fotografija na Mac-u
Posted: 21 April 2007 03:05 PM   [ # 166 ]
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da znas da mu ona ikonica nije bila nikakva 😊


Mac Pro 5

Posted: 05 May 2007 11:30 PM   [ # 167 ]
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Post edited by: R2k, at: 2007/05/05 23:32



Posted: 26 July 2007 04:58 PM   [ # 168 ]
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Izašao GraphicConverter 6.0. Lele, donwload od 73 MB. B)


ACSP 10.10 - ACSP 10.9 - ACA 10.8 Mac Management - ACSP 10.8 -  ACSP 10.7 - ACSA 10.6

Posted: 26 July 2007 06:35 PM   [ # 169 ]
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samo se nadam da izgleda modernije od ovog postojeceg…


Mac Pro 5

Posted: 28 July 2007 03:41 PM   [ # 170 ]
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UtisKi? 😊

Posted: 28 July 2007 05:05 PM   [ # 171 ]
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ipak ce neko ko duze koristi stari morati da da poredjenje, meni izgleda isto…


Mac Pro 5

Posted: 29 July 2007 03:30 PM   [ # 172 ]
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Ljubišaaa! 😊

What’s new in this version:
Dutch and Catalan localization added
lossless jpeg cropping added to convert & modify
optional footer to open images added (UB only)
save for web function added
polygon selection tool added
basic layer support added
set gps coordinates from Google Earth added
go to photo position in Google Earth added
rulers added
djvu import added with additional tool (UB only)
additional automator actions added
additional frames added (registered version only)
kdc import for X and UB version added
open exr import added (10.4.x)
some measure functions (line, rectangle, circle, mean) added to the measure tool
selection supports now an alpha channel (drag, copy, paste)
basic import of HD Photo (wdp) added (UB only)
new browser sort options added (sort from position and sort from position hexadeciaml)
paste into alpha channel added
enhance local contrast function added
option to displayed main image tiled (for pattern creation) added
browser support for copy/paste of files added
context menu entry to convert microsoft non standard captions to iptc added (JPEG submenu in the context menu of the browser)
compatible to Leopard beta
photoraw import improved
folder sorting context menu entry in the browser improved
eraser cursor improved (much better speed in UB version)
e-mail function to context menu in the droplist added
icns handling in the clipboard improved
aspect ratio menu improved
more subsampling options for jpeg format added
new image with transparent background option added
option to justify images in slideshow added
insert text batch improved
scrollwheel zoom inside slideshow works now centered to the current location
Spotlight search speeded up
errors upon command line tool calls are displayed
GraphicConverter can be called by command line to open a file
slideshow speeded up (new files are opened as separate thread)
rename does rename additional thm files, too (for AVI, CRW…)
crop applescript command added
blp support improved
option to define return/enter key behaviour added
rename option to reset index on folder change added
trim bug during printing fixed
resolution detection in pict on intel macs fixed
possible bug in batch rename preview fixed
bug in set file date to original date after conversion with long filenames fixed
bug in AppleScript with long filenames fixed
bug in undo after paster fixed
bug in multipage TIFF rotation fixed (UB )
bug in saving 16 bit PICTs on Intel Macs fixed (UB )
bug in lab import with bad profiles fixed
zoom behaviour improved (UB )
possible display bug upon opening actions fixed
bug in unix link support fixed
bug in split (name) fixed
file selection bug on Leopard fixed
many other bug fixes and improvements

Posted: 30 July 2007 09:30 PM   [ # 173 ]
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Ljubišaaa! 😊

What’s new in this version:

Ma, da, evo sa’cu cim skinem jos jedan torrent. 😊  Ja sam jos uvek na 5.9 i zadnjih 5 5.9.x verzija nisam ni probao. Cak i ja sam izgubio zivce za njihovo izivljavanje. Taman dodaju nesto novo ili isprave neki bag a onda obavezno zeznu nesto drugo sto bas ja koristim. :(

Post edited by: ljubisha, at: 2007/07/30 21:31


I’m one of those old-fashioned people who believe that computers are supposed to make life less complex and more enjoyable

Posted: 31 July 2007 10:36 AM   [ # 174 ]
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Kad pomenu torrent, ja skinuo sa Zloduha GC sa sve serijski brojem, ali još ne probah,


ACSP 10.10 - ACSP 10.9 - ACA 10.8 Mac Management - ACSP 10.8 -  ACSP 10.7 - ACSA 10.6

Posted: 31 July 2007 03:55 PM   [ # 175 ]
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Izvinjavam se zbog off-topic-a, samo da cestitam G-dinu Adamovu na 1001-om postu.

Posted: 02 August 2007 07:33 PM   [ # 176 ]
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What’s new in this version:

Dakle, GC… Skinuo, probao i vraćam se pod hitno na staru 5.x verziju. Na prvi pogled, radi brže (scroll, icon preview…) ali je promenjen GUI koji je odmah doneo i grozan bag. Naime, roll miša ili scroll slidera NE?E da odvede na dno slike. Uporno fali jedan mali deo koji jedino mogu da vidim ako smanjim sliku. Dalje nisam ni probao jer je ovakav neupotrebljiv. :(

P.S. Naravno, koristim ‘Always use 100%, scroll large images’ opciju za Default window zoom.


I’m one of those old-fashioned people who believe that computers are supposed to make life less complex and more enjoyable

Posted: 06 August 2007 02:01 AM   [ # 177 ]
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jel probao neko ovo:


osim sto ne umem da sklonim ona slova preko sredine a koja se otpozadi citaju: deretsigernU, deluje simpaticno, pogotovo ako se namesti kao default viewer pa ne mora ni da se kontrol klikuje na sliku ili folder, vec samo dablklik i eto svih fotki. slicno kao Xee, s tim sto prati i subfoldere i sto se o’ma prostre preko celog ekrana…

Post edited by: Andrej, at: 2007/08/06 02:03

Post edited by: Andrej, at: 2007/08/06 02:03

bem ti, ne umem da postavim link…

Post edited by: Andrej, at: 2007/08/06 02:05


Mac Pro 5

Posted: 06 August 2007 02:11 AM   [ # 178 ]
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Pa i Xee može da se namesti da je odmah fsreen 😊
Pozdrav sa Leoparda 😊

Posted: 04 January 2008 12:29 AM   [ # 179 ]
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Ljudi, čudo neviđeno! 😊

Šalim se, nije toliko čudo, ali definitivno alatka za fotografa 😊

Photon je programče koje, kako kažu na TUAW-u..ma evo quote..akcenat je na brzini 😊

Photon just loaded 839 JPEG image previews for me in under 2 seconds. That’s expletive worthy speed. And when it loads the full image, it’s just as fast, even with RAW format images. And it loads every pixel of a RAW image. If you set the preview mode to fit-to-screen, clicking the image gives you a loupe-style zoom to full resolution. It reads photos-from folders or directly from cameras/memory cards-with a feature they call ‘Instant Import’. I plugged in a camera and by the time I had looked back at the screen, it had recorded all of the images on the card.

Photon serves one purpose, but serves it well. It helps you do a rough cut of large batches of images before heading into Lightroom or Aperture for more advanced procedures. It lacks any form of image flagging, has limited viewing of metadata fields (the columns in the HUD aren’t individually expandable or adjustable) and no search feature of any kind. It basically provides a very fast, very streamlined interface for creating collections (‘stacks’) of images and-once you’ve bought the full version-exporting them with options to convert the format to jpg, png, psd and more. It does provide histograms, which is handy for deciding on which RAW images you’re planning to keep.

Posted: 25 February 2009 01:55 PM   [ # 180 ]
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Samo da javim da sam našao baš ono što mi treba 😊

Preuzeto sa http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20090219044402544:
U Finder-u samo u Search bar stavite dva znaka navoda ‘’ i kada ste u ‘View as icons’ dobićete u donjem desnom uglu zoom scroll.


🍎 Дарко Селаковић

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