iTunes 10.0.1
Posted: 28 September 2010 04:47 PM
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  136
Joined  2010-08-28

Apple je nakon novog iTunes-a sa dodatkom drustvene mreze Ping, objavio iTunes-10.0.1 sa par novih funkcija i sredjenim bugovima.
10.0.1 iTunes omogucava Vam da lako vidite nedavne aktivnosti izabranih umetnika ili da sve umetnike i prijatelje pratite na Ping Sidebaru.

[img size=300][/img]

Bug fixes:

- Addresses an issue where the picture quality of a video changes depending on whether the on-screen controls are visible.
- Resolves an issue where iTunes may unexpectedly quit while interacting with album artwork viewed in a separate window.
- Fixes a problem that affects the performance of some third-party visualizers.
- Addresses an issue where the iTunes library and playlists appear empty.
- Resolves an issue that created an incompatibility with some third-party shared libraries.

Novi update nudi korisnicima brzi pristup aktivnostima umetnika i ljudi koje prate na ping-u. Ovaj update takođe obezbeđuje padajuće menije pored svake pesme u ‘biblioteci’ korisnika i omogucava da lakse lajkuje ili komentarise svaku numeru i obezbedjuje brz pristup iTunes prodavnici, izvođačma i žanrovima, kao i ping profilu umetnika, ako je dostupan.

[img size=300][/img]


▲ iPod Touch 2nd generation
▲ iPod nano 4th generation silver
▲ Apple Mighty mouse
