Ne mogu da tvrdim, ali na nekoliko mesta sam nasao ovaj info. Citiram:
‘On 13 April 2010, Apple added support for audio out using Mini DisplayPort in their MacBook Pro product line. This added feature allows users to easily connect their Macbook Pros to their HDTVs via a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cable and get full audio and video functionality.’
Ne razlikuje se sam port nego kako vidim iskoriscenost samih pinova na portu.
Slicna prica kao kod nekih laptopova gde je esata isto sto i usb, pa moz ubodes i jedno i drugo…
Evo i dodatak:
While the DisplayPort specification is capable of supporting digital audio, the older 2009 line of MacBooks and MacBook Pros are unable to provide an audio signal through the Mini DisplayPort, and only do so over USB, Firewire, or the audio line out port instead (the April 2010 line of MacBook Pro, however, supports this[14]). This can present a problem to users who intend to connect their computers to HDTVs using a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter. To work around this issue, some third-party manufacturers have created adapters that plug into both the Mini DisplayPort (for video) and a USB port (for audio) or Mini DisplayPort (for video); a USB port (for power) and the optical out (for audio); either option terminating with a single female HDMI connector, thus allowing both video and audio to be channeled over the one HDMI cable.
Post edited by: bgillegal, at: 2010/12/21 23:44