Autostart XBMC???
Posted: 05 February 2011 12:04 AM
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Total Posts:  1362
Joined  2008-06-03

cesto koristim taj program na jednom Mac-u za multimediu,youtube…i slicno…zanima me,da li postoji varijanta da se namesti da se pri dizanju sistema na Mac-u,odmah digne XBMC,bez da ga ja pokrecem(na nekim Linuxima sam video da moze…)
evo i primera za Ubuntu….
`Autostart XBMC (optional)

By following these instructions, your system will boot directly into XBMC rather than your desktop from now on. It is advised that you delay this step until XBMC is setup as you’d like it.

* From the desktop click System -> Administration -> Login Screen
* From the ‘Security’ tab choose ‘Enable Automatic Login’ and select your username.
* Click ‘OK’ to exit.
* Logout of your system.
* From the Login screen choose ‘Select Session’
* Choose ‘XBMC’ and click ‘Change Session’

You’re finished. Next time you login you should be greeted with XBMC.
Autostart XBMC (optional alternative)

* From the desktop click System -> Administration -> Login Screen
* From the ‘Security’ tab choose ‘Enable Automatic Login’ and select your username.
* Click ‘OK’ to exit.
* From the desktop click System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications
* Click ‘Add’
* Name: XBMC
* Command: XBMC
* Comment: XBMC
* Click ‘OK’
* Your DONE, Ubuntu will now load gnome first then xbmc straight after, slightly slower but it keeps your gnome session avalible `
Resenje…😊 😊 😊 😊
Go into System Preferences, select ‘accounts’. Select ‘Login Items’, at the bottom hit the plus button and then a drop down box allows you to select XBMC.

Alternatively, if you have the app open in your dock, you can right-click/click-and-hold the icon and choose ‘Open at Log-in’

After this, the application will start up automatically after you log in.

Post edited by: amsterdamxxx, at: 2011/02/05 00:10


MacBook Unibody 7.1
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Posted: 05 February 2011 10:19 AM   [ # 1 ]
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Joined  2005-05-08

amsterdamxxx wrote:

Resenje…😊 😊 😊 😊

He, he, he 😛 😛 😛


30 GO TO 10

Posted: 05 February 2011 07:35 PM   [ # 2 ]
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  1362
Joined  2008-06-03

ko pita ne skita..:whistle:


MacBook Unibody 7.1
MacPro 2x2.66 Ghz Dual Core Intel Xeon..
i par Android igracki…...
