Specifikacije, ukratko, kako je do sada rečeno:
-It’s got a dual core processor as well as improved video
-Front and rear-facing cameras
-Thinner design, even thinner than an iPhone 4 (8.8 millimeters vs. 13.4 millimeters)
-“It is not a little bit thinner, but a third thinner,” Jobs said
-Lighter (1.3 pounds vs. 1.5 pounds for the original)
-Two colors: black and white
“We’re going to be shipping white from Day 1,” Jobs said.
-Models supporting both AT&T and Verizon
-same 10-hour battery life
-same prices as first iPad
-Accessories include a $39 HDMI out cable that mirrors what’s on the iPad at up to 1080p resolution and a “smart cover” that uses magnets to attach to the iPad and allow it to stand up without adding bulk of a case.
And it will be out March 11 in the U.S. and two weeks later in 26 other countries.