Meni je najveći problem EOL status za Final Cut Server, bez najave ikakve zamene ili ‘prosleđivanja’ drugom proizvođaču (kao kada su ukinuli Xserve RAID i ‘prebacili’ sve na Promise). Što se ostalog tiče, manje više sam na ‘liniji2 ovog što je na Xsanity forumu rekao jedan lik:
The biggest mistake IMHO was calling it Final Cut Pro alongside canning FCP7. If they had given it a new name, to signify a new generation of app it would not have caught so much criticism. Goes to also prove that agile development isn’t liked in desktop apps.
The media industry loves legacy, however some things need to move on and eggs are broken making an omlette. To address the points above with my opinion:
XML - Fair enough, it’s used by grading systems and the like and was useful for MAM integration. However I’d happy see this fade away for a decent API in return.
EDL - it is 2011 and linear suites are a thing of the past, the faster we can ditch using crap like CMX3600 the better. Anything else using EDLs should have been using XML at least.
OMF - Purely for Pro Tools? Move on, OMF is dead and we should be using AAF as a minimum.
Log & Capture - Can be sorted with a 3rd party app, I welcome a data centric approach to NLEs. However this is more of a nail in the tape coffin, as what more troubling for tape workflows is conform has gone. With no way of exporting the ‘decomposed’ (parlance borrowed) sequence to reconform, and no way of introducing a 2nd file as a alternative resolution, you are forced to capture (in 3rd party app) and work in a highres + proxy format greatly increasing your storage needs. USP of tape gone, may as well enjoy the fruits of tapeless.
Edit to tape - Ditto 3rd party app, broadcasters are trying to ditch Tape as a exchange format, file based delivery is the way forward. Again look to Avid Interplay and their broadcast integration.
Forward compatibility with projects from prior versions of FCP - Yes and no, they should have give FCPX a new name, breaking the implicit ties with FCP7. Migrating is never going to be smooth which such a seachange. I personally would finish current projects on FCP7 and start new ones on FCPX. XML importer would help here, although you need an app to move UNC referenced media into the events db.
The issues / features I’d like to see fixed in the next release are:
SDI Support - Not for ingest or layoff, but to simply see what your cut will look like on a broadcast monitor. The AJA 2nd monitor over SDI is a kludge, bleugh.
Multicam - This is something many users have come to rely on, especially for OB and live event stuff.
Multi User Backend - Now I like that FCPX essentially has taken the Avid framework of media being stored & sorted for you (although you can still get it to use a UNC file path) and event tied the metadata to the same DB. However I want to see how this would work in a SAN / NAS enviroment, where the ground is moving under NLE as other users work in the group. The SQLite db seems to address everything by UUIDs so it can handle merges, splits and forked instances of the same content. However they need some kinda user control that isnt POSIX to allow structures to be built.
API - Now this is my number 1 request, if they provided a decent API we could use, Core Data apps could be built to get around all the interoperability and it would be handled by 3rd parties. XML? no problem, writing something to parse the project db. Ditto AAF, could even encapsulate the media from the events. Empower the community to sort it’s own issues, maybe make some $$$ in the process and sell + deploy via the App Store.
All IMHO anyway, and I’ve already donned my flame suit.