Posto sam izgubio sest sati zivota jureci vestice, mozda ovo zatreba jos nekom:
Tip If the app crashes when you attempt to run it, specifically by receiving an EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION signal, the most likely reason is that you previously ran a sandboxed app with the same bundle identifier but a different code signature. This crashing upon launch is an App Sandbox security feature that prevents one app from masquerading as another and thereby gaining access to the other app’s container.
Simptomi su potpuno strasni, sandbox aplikacija kada se promeni signature puca u debugeru sa potpuno nejasnom EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION porukom. Desava se zato sto sandbox pamti parametre prethodnog startovanja. Strasno je to sto sve aplikacije sa istim bundle id vise ne mogu da se startuju a ponasaju se razlicito tj tesko shvatiti simptome. Odjednom sve ne radi bez ikakvog reda. Cenim da restart ili logout resavaju ovo, probacu pa javljam sta je.
Bas su ga resili nogama a sto smislene poruke nema nije bitno @#$%^!