Animated Desk Notifier for Gmail
Posted: 10 January 2012 11:14 PM
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Joined  2008-06-03

mozda nekom ovo nije zanimljivo…ali licno volim ovakve zezalice,koje obavestavaju kad je stigao novi mail…jedino sto mora da se instalira Adobe Air,da bi programcic radio….mozda jos nekom bude simpa….mogucnost promene zvucnog obavestenja….
na zvanicnom sajtu,mozete da skinete jos nekoliko besplatnih animacija….
Email notification application b2 Notifier ( Adobe AIR - Windows/Mac/Linux ) tells you when you have a new email message with slick animations and a full message preview. It has multiple GMail and RSS feed support, animations, detailed information popup window, scheduled checking. It is a worthy successor to the popular b2 GMail notifier, and it offers the same (and more) functionality for FREE.

Post edited by: amsterdamxxx, at: 2012/01/10 23:16


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