za sve vlasnike risivera sa sistemom Enigma 1 i 2…..znaci Dreambox…Azbox..VU+....Stari Dbox2….evo fore ,kako da gledate,menjate..kanale na XBMC na AppleTv….probao sam na starom Philips Dbox2(Enigma1)i radi savrseno…i posebno je zgodno,ako vam je risiver u jednoj sobi,a Atv u drugoj..ili bar komp sa XBMC…..naravno…mozete da menajte kanale,ali ako je slucajno i na Tv,isti risiver..i tamo se menja kanal….jako korisno za spavacu sobu,makar koristili i laptop:)
kad podestite sve….pozeljno je pokrenuti ponovo i AppleTv..i Risiver…..
For the Dreambox od Dbox2 owners it is very easy TV to stream to XBMC on the Apple TV2. If Dreambox/Dbox2 is running, only the tuned channel will be streamd to the Apple TV.
It is best to put the Dreambox / Dbox2 in stand-by mode, only then it is possible to zap channels on your XBMC.
In XMBC menu, click on “Videos” and click “Add Source”. New Source: choose “tuxbox”.
Type in:
tuxbox :/ / [username]: [password] @ [IP address Dreambox]: [Web port] / web
tuxbox :/ / username: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address): 80/web
Give the source a name like “Dreambox”
Now you can watch TV channels on your Apple TV and also change channels!
This is ideal for people who own Dreambox or Dbox2 eg in the living room and Apple TV in another room.