Apple Power Mac G5 256MB ATI Radeon 9650 DVI 8X AGP 361-0081
Video Graphics Card
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Power Mac G5 ATI Radeon 9650 Supports 30’ Display 256MB (DVI/DVI) (8X AGP) Video Card
Radeon 9650 Graphics Card that comes standard in the new G5 Powermac computers.
ATI Radeon 9650 for Apple Power Macintosh G5 (With 8X AGP Slot)
Advantage of 9650 card: uses only the AGP slot, Leaving all the G5’s PCI slots free. Some other high resolution cards take up both the AGP slot + a PCI slot.
Post edited by: kaerf, at: 2013/02/10 13:16
Post edited by: kaerf, at: 2013/02/19 09:56