Tuxera NTFS ili nesto drugo?
Posted: 14 May 2013 06:42 PM
Total Posts:  73
Joined  2010-04-13

Treba mi da mogu da prekopiram sa mountain liona na neki externi medium koji je u NTFS particionisan? I obrnuto za ntfs particije na mac.

I hocu da formatiram fles sa maca u ntfs particiju?

Koristio sam Tuxera NTFS, ali on nije mogao da formatira u ntfs.

Posted: 18 May 2013 07:02 AM   [ # 1 ]
Sr. Member
Total Posts:  1880
Joined  2007-08-04

Paragon NTFS for Mac® OS X 10:
Koristio sam i Tuxeru, ali mi je nešto bagovala (to je bilo pre nekoliko godina); pa sam prešao na Paragon i od tada njega koristim - najpre sam koristio ‘narodnu’ verziju, a od pre jedno godinu i po sam se legalizovao
Drajver radi kao podmazan, nikakvih problema do sada nisam imao. Ne znam zašto Tuxera neće da formatira u NTFS, meni je najnormalnije to radilo, jedino što hoće da se desi (a i sa Paragonom) da Windows tako formatiranu particiju ne vidi, već nudi da je on formatira.
Meni konkretno treba za ažuriranje kolekcije filmova na enclosure-u koji je uboden u Samsung Smart TV.

Posted: 24 May 2013 10:10 AM   [ # 2 ]
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Total Posts:  196
Joined  2010-09-03

Još jedan glas za Paragon…i narodna i legalna rade extra…vredi svaki evrić 😉


A Smile Can Hide A Thousand Words

Posted: 16 June 2013 08:06 AM   [ # 3 ]
Jr. Member
Total Posts:  36
Joined  2010-09-10

Možda nekome zatreba:

If you have noticed, Mac OS X doesn’t support writing onto NTFS disks. But not to worry, you don’t have to install any third party drivers to enable this. Mountain Lion 10.8.3 already has native write support for the NTFS. OSX Mountain Lion does have built-in support for NTFS, and it can read and write. However, Apple does not enable it by default. 

Here is what you should do:
Uninstall other 3rd-party NTFS software, like Paragon, Tuxera or NTFS-3G.
Edit /etc/fstab (you can do this with “sudo vi /etc/fstab”)
Add the following line:
LABEL=”VOLUME_NAME_WITHOUT_QUOTES” none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse
Quit your editor
Now, just unmount and re-mount the disk
And we are done! You now have read-write support for this disk in OS

XWait a minute, I don’t see my disk listed in the Finder window!

As of Mountain Lion, the “nobrowse” mount option is required for this to work. This means that the partition will not show up on your desktop. However, you can access it normally through Finder by doing the following:
Open Terminal and type “open /Volumes/THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_VOLUME” (without the quotes)
The Finder pops up automatically and you can see your disk listed there.

This implementation is definitely better than any 3rd party implementation available.


Posted: 30 June 2013 11:51 AM   [ # 4 ]
Total Posts:  73
Joined  2010-04-13

Da, ali mislim da sa ovim ne mozes iz maca da formatiras flesh-hdd u NTFS particiju. 😉
